Bunda-nya Aisha has sent you this BabyCenter link.

Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang memerlukannya.

Father's Guide to Massage

Click here to read all about it:
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BabyCenter is the leading destination on the Internet for new and
expectant parents. To receive our free personalized e-mails written
especially for your stage of pregnancy or your child's age (up to age
3), take a minute to join BabyCenter. It's free!

Click here to find out more about BabyCenter membership:

Do you have an older child? ParentCenter, our sister site, is packed
with information about parenting, learning, health, and fun and
activities for parents of 2- to 8-year-olds. Click here to find out
more about ParentCenter membership:

>> Perusahaan Anda mau kirim bunga papan? Klik, http://www.indokado.com/papan.html
>> Info balita, http://www.balita-anda.indoglobal.com
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