Pak adi,
Untuk memberbesar keyakinan dalam KB alami perlu
disertasi dengan cara lain, yaitu pengukuran suhu
basal tubuh atau cairan dari vagina. Dengan cara ini
KB alami akan lebih berhasil, yang pasti memang lebih
repot dari KB menggunakan alat. Keberhasilan KB dengan
penyusui hanya sekitar 40 % karena jika si ibu tipe
yang subur maka menyusui tidak memepengaruhi kemampuan
Artikelnya berikut adalah untuk memperbesar
kemungkinan hamil, jadi penggunaannya untuk KB adalah
sebaliknya menghindari masa-masa kritis.

mamanya Dafi

What is basal body temperature? 
                   Basal body temperature (BBT) is
your temperature when you first wake up in
                   the morning. Before you even get
out of bed to brush your teeth or start your
                   day, pop a basal thermometer
(available at drugstores) into your mouth. This
                   thermometer shows the minute
incremental degree changes that a regular one
                   can't. Most basal thermometers come
with a temperature plotting chart. (For
                   instructions on how to fill one in
and a sample you can download, click here.)
                   Make some extra copies of the chart
in case it takes you a few months to get

                   Your BBT ranges from 97.0 to about
97.5 degrees before ovulation. When you
                   ovulate, hormonal changes trigger a
rise of between 0.5 and 1.6 degrees,
                   which lasts at least until your
next period. You'll probably notice your
                   temperature spiking on other days,
but unless it stays that way, you're
                   probably not ovulating. You are
most fertile the day of, and the few days
                   preceding, the spike, although some
fertility experts say you could still get
                   pregnant if you have sex within 12
to 24 hours after the temperature shift. If you
                   become pregnant, your temperature
will stay elevated throughout your

                   It's helpful to chart your
temperature for a few months so you can see whether
                   there's a pattern to your cycle. If
you're sick or fail to take your temperature
                   immediately upon awakening, any
pattern you find may be inaccurate. 

                   What is cervical mucus? 
                   There are many different types of
vaginal discharge, one of which is cervical
                   mucus. The type of mucus your body
produces provides clues to your fertility.
                   You can check your cervical mucus
using either your fingers or toilet paper.
                   On days when you're not fertile,
the mucus from your cervix is either light or
                   sticky (about the same texture as
sticky rice). During the few days leading up
                   to ovulation, when you're most
fertile, you'll have more discharge — clear and
                   slippery with the consistency of
raw egg white. You are most fertile on the last
                   day you notice cervical mucus of
this kind. It usually happens either the day
                   before, or the day of, ovulation.
The change in volume and texture of your
                   cervical mucus is due to the
increase in estrogen levels that accompanies

--- Adi Nugroho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Aku malah pusing dengan urusan tidak haid.
> Itung-itungan KBA jadi kacau :-(
> Takut salah "labrak" :-P
> Soalnya, urutannya khan ovulasi dulu baru haid,
> bukan haid dulu baru ovulasi....
> Takutnya, setelah sekian bulan tidak haid, pas
> ovulasi pertama sejak menyusui
> tidak ketahuan :-(
> Ada yang punya info untuk tau kaloq bakal ovulasi
> sejak 1-2 minggu sebelumnya?
> Salam,
> Adi Nugroho

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