Mas Meski Sujaryo,
mungkin relevan, saya ambilkan dari 'Symptoms: children of all ages' page
Constipation (children of all ages)
Children pass faeces from as often as four times a day to once every 4
days; anything bwithin this range is normal as long as the faeces are not
runny, hard or painful to pass. Changes in your child's diet, minor
illness, or emotional stress may temporarily affect the frequency of
Hard, pellet-like faeces:
Possible cause: your child's diet may not contain enough fibre or fluid.
(kayaknya ini kasus anak mas)
Action needed: self-help: preventing constipation
The following measures may help to releave or prevent constipation:
- increase the amount of fluids (except milk, which can cause
constipation), fruit, vegetables, and other fibre-rich foods, such as
wholegrain cereals and bread, in you child's diet.
- Your child should be encouraged to sit on the potty or toilet at the same
time every day, to establish a regular bowel habit.
- Laxatives should never be used for children unless specifically
recommended or prescribed by you doctor.

Abnormal-looking faeces (page 110)
Sudden differences in colur, smell, consistency or content of faeces are
almost always due to changes in diet. It is very rare for any such change
to last fro more than a few days. However, if here are other symptoms or if
the altered faeces persist, you should take your child to see a doctor.

Halaman 52: Diarrhoea in children over 1 year
(yg ini nggak relevan karena anak mas tidak mencret, just FYI)
- Frequent loose stools are usually caused by infection and do not normally
continue for more than a few days. If you child drinks plenty of clear
fluids while the diarrhoea lasts, there should be no ill effects. If the
diarrhoea recurs or persists for over a week, you child should see a
when did the diarrhoea start?
- within the past 3 days
  - Does your child have any of the following symptoms?
    - Abdominal pain, or vomiting or fever:
      Possible cause: Gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach
      and intestines). Usually a mild illness, but can be serious,
      especially in infants. Common cause is infection with
      viruses that are transpmitted through the air or by contact
      with infected faeces. Bacteria transmitted in food or drinks
      may also cause gastroenteritis. Get medical advice if has
      not improved within 24 hours. Prevent dehydration.
    - None of the above:
      - Did the diarrhoea start just before an exciting
        or stressful event or period of time?
        - Exciting/stressful event or period of time:
          Possible cause: Children may suffer from diarrhoea
          in response to excitement or emotional stress.
          The diarrhoea is likely to clear up quickly.
        - Neither:
          Possible cause: Gastroenteritis.
- over 3 days ago:
  - has your child been constipated and had diarrhoea at the same time?
    - Not Constipated
      - Have you been giving your child any medicine?
        - Medicine
          Possible cause: your child's diarrhoea could possibly
          be a side effect of the medicine he/she is taking.
          Action: phone your doctor to find out whether the
          medicine may be causing your child's symptoms and
          whether you should stop giving it.
        - No medicine
          What are the features of your child's faeces?
          - Contain recognizable morsels of food:
            - How old is your child?
              - Under 3 years:
                Possible cause: toddler's diarrhoea.
                No treatment is necessary and no dietary
                restrictions have any effect on the condition.
                It may help, however, if you mash or liquidize
                the foods that your child has difficulty in
                chewing and digesting.
              - 3 years or over
    - Not constipated

Vincent, Iva, Valerie

Meski Sujaryo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24/11/98 09:06 GMT
Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Vincent Rainardi)
Subject:  [balita-anda] berak dalam sehari..?

mohon penjelasan atau advise permasalahan dibawah ini:

anak saya habis sembuh dari muntah-muntah setelah di bawa ke dokter anak.
tapi 2 hari ini berak sampai 6 -7 kali dalam sehari.
beraknya tidak mencret, tapi bentuk beraknya kecil-kecil sebagian.
oh..iya...anak saya baru berumur 1 tahun 10 bulan, berat 17 kg.

sekali lagi mohon advise-nya, dan saya ucapkan terimakasih sebelumnya.

-------------------------> end of message <------------------------------

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