>  Semoga berguna....

> Month 1:
> This month, you should:
>  Quit smoking and drinking, and limit caffeine intake
>  Take a pregnancy test
>  Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider
>  Start taking prenatal vitamins
>  Start a journal chronicling your pregnancy 
> Month 2:
> This month, you should:
>  Evaluate your diet to make sure it's healthy for you and the baby
>  Start (or continue) an exercise regimen
>  Find some healthy alternatives to junk food cravings
>  Learn how to cope with morning sickness
>  Buy a few pregnancy books you can turn to for quick answers to pregnancy
> concerns 
> Month 3:
> This month, you should:
>  Schedule a CVS test (if necessary)
>  Find out what the policy is at your workplace covering pregnancy and
> maternity leave
>  Share your good news with family and friends
>  Buy a good maternity bra to support your growing breasts
>  Ask your healthcare provider about having an ultrasound 
> Month 4:
> This month, you should:
>  Schedule an AFP or MSAFP to test for chromosomal and neural tube defects
>  Schedule an amniocentesis, if necessary
>  Announce your pregnancy at work
>  Tell your other children that baby's on the way
>  Start shopping for maternity wear 
> Month 5:
> This month, you should:
>  Re-evaluate your diet to make sure you're getting the nutrients you need
>  Start thinking about the kind of birth you want to have (drugs vs. no
> drugs)
>  Start thinking about what to name your baby
>  Opt for flats or low-heeled shoes to avoid falls caused by your shifting
> center of gravity
>  Take a vacation 
> Month 6:
> This month, you should:
>  Write a birth plan
>  Sign up for a childbirth preparation class
>  Start planning the nursery
>  Order the crib, changing table, and any other furniture you'll need;
> order bedding if it will be custom-made
>  Research your childcare options
>  Take glucose test to check your blood sugar levels 
> Month 7:
> This month, you should:
>  Sign up for a tour of the hospital or birth center
>  Sign up for a baby care class
>  Make a list of baby things you want and need if you're having a baby
> shower
>  Put yourself on the waiting list of your favorite childcare center 
> Month 8:
> This month, you should:
>  Make sure you have everything your baby will need at home
>  Pack your hospital bag
>  Start thinking about birth control you'll need when you start having sex
>  Be screened for Group B strep
>  Choose a pediatrician or family doctor 
> Month 9:
> This month, you should:
>  Do something nice for yourself that takes your mind off baby watch
>  Finalize any religious ceremonies you may want to have for the baby (for
> example, a baptism or bris)
>  Arrange for a doula or babysitter with experience in caring for newborns
> to stop by for a few hours each week after you give birth to give you a
> breather
>  Interview and hire housecleaners if you'd like extra help
>  Finish setting up the nursery and layette
>  Give birth! 

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