Make Believe
"Mommy, you eat this soup," two-and-a-half year old
Tara says to her mother as she hands her a sugar bowl
from a toy tea set. "Mmmm…this soup is very good. What
kind is it?" says mom. Tara smiles and takes back the
bowl. "Noodle Soup," she says, proud of her 'cooking.'
In later toddler years, make-believe is a fun
discovery. As young children begin to understand that
objects and even people can represent other things,
their imagination takes off, and a whole new world of
play is open to them that will get more interesting
and complex as the next few years go by. "Pretend
Play" is not only fun to watch and participate in, it
is an important part in the development of thinking
skills that later help with math, literacy, and
Here are some tips for making make-believe fun for
your child:
Join her "story" and follow your child's lead. Ask
questions instead of giving directions; for example,
"Who does tiger live with?" Offer help, but be sure to
allow her time to experiment and be creative. 
Provide props and objects to use for pretend and make
believe. Every day objects, such as a pot, container,
hat, or box, can go a long way. "Real" objects such as
old clothes or an empty oatmeal box can also be a
special treat. 
Use everyday activities to pretend together. Chores
such as cleaning and cooking can provide fun
opportunities to imitate and use new skills. 
Invite another little friend over to play. Watch how
pretend play develops as two or more young minds get

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