Pak Rudi Yth,
     Ini pengalaman saya pribadi loh, waktu saya hamil anak pertama saya,
     saya juga muntah 2x seperti istri bpk, malahan saya lebih parah.
     Selama +/- 4 bulan saya keluar masuk rumah sakit (pd bulan keempat 
     saya di vonis liver oleh dokter), sampai2x berat badan saya turun 
     Pada saat itu saya juga sempat berpikir unt membuang kandungan saya,
     tapi berkat dukungan moral dari Suami dan orang tua saya, 
     saya bertahan dan terus berdoa pd allah agar janin yang ada dalam 
     kandungan saya selamat.
     Dan Alhamdulillah pd bulan ke-5 saya tdk mual2x lagi, dan yang lebih 
     membahagiakan, anak saya lahir dengan selamat dan sekarang usianya 
     sudah 10 bl, lucu dan pintar lagi.
     Coba deh bapak konsultasikan dengan DSOGnya, supaya DSOG dapat 
     memberikan penjelasan pada mertua bapak, jangan ambil resiko untuk 
     menggugurkan janin yang ada didlm kandungan istri bapak, jika 
     kandungannya memang kuat dan layak untuk dipertahankan. 
     Mamanya Raihan

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Tanya dong
Author:  Rudy Munadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at Internet
Date:    08/16/2000 11:30 AM

terima kasih atas saran dan masukannya
tapi bagaimana dengan tingkat keselamatan ibu..?
soalnya hamil pertama istri saya masuk rumah satkit 1 minggu karena muntah2 
tetapi yang kedua kayaknya kandungannya rada kuat ( tidak muntah muntah). 
apakah lebih baik dilanjutkan atau tidak..?
dimana keluarga istri saya minta di buang sedangkan saya maunya 
diteruskan,mangkanya saya mengumpulkan data untuk menjelaskan ke ortu istri 
saya supaya mereka mengerti..tapi disisi lain saya sendiri jadi bingung 
sekarang antara lanjut atau tidak....
tapi biar bagaiman saya ucapkan terima kasih atas semua masukkannya
-----Original Message-----
From: mamanya Dafi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 16 Agustus 2000 7:21
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Tanya dong
Pak Rudi,
Meskipun menurut dokter saya seseorang bisa hamil lagi 
setelah 6 bulan operasi caesar, namun penentuan jarak 
kelahiran juga dipengaruhi faktor lain yaitu kondisi 
kesehatan dan kondisi alat-alat reproduksi wanita. 
Berikut cuplikan artikelnya.
When is the best time to have another? 
For many people the decision to have another child is 
more about when than whether. And plenty wonder if 
there's an ideal spacing between children - for
the adults and the kids. The big question: Is it best 
to have children one right after the other so they can 
play together and you can get all your child rearing 
done in the shortest time, or is it better to put some 
distance between the kids?
Researchers have tried to tackle this question, and 
while they can't say definitively that every woman 
should wait two to three years between births,
many of the studies do settle roughly on that time 
frame. And so do most families. According to the Alan 
Guttmacher Institute, the average interval
between first and second births is about 30 months for 
American women.
Here's a rundown of the studies on ideal baby spacing: 
* Waiting 18 to 23 months after the birth of your last 
child before conceiving another seems best for the new 
baby's health, according to a recent study published 
in the New England Journal of Medicine. Doctors found 
that babies conceived less than six months after the 
birth of a previous child are 40 percent more likely 
to be born prematurely or underweight. And those 
conceived more than 10 years after their closest 
sibling face about double the risk of preterm birth.
* A similar study at the University of California in 
San Francisco found that the ideal interval between 
babies is 24 to 35 months. Babies conceived sooner had 
a higher incidence of low birth weight. Doctors 
suspect a mother's body may need that time to recover 
from the stress and replenish all the nutrients she 
lost as a result of the first pregnancy. 
* When your first is under 1 year or over 4 years is 
the ideal time in terms of the children's 
relationships with their parents, sibling rivalry, and 
their own
self-esteem, according to Jeannie Kidwell, a professor 
of family studies at the University of Tennessee in 
Knoxville. She believes children under one don't
have a sense of their special status yet, and that 
those over four have had enough time to enjoy 
attention from Mommy and Daddy, plus they now have a 
life of their own. 
What should I consider when making the decision? 
Science doesn't dictate all the choices we make, of 
course, especially the ones that involve love and 
desire. So here are some other issues to take into 
consideration as you wrestle with the idea of 
welcoming another baby into your family.
--- Rudy Munadi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Sebenernya jarak terbaik dari seorang ibu melahirkan 
> kembali ( lahir sectio
> ) berapa bulang yach...
> saya mau tanya jika baru 10 bulan (anak saya ) dan 
> ibunya sekarang hamil
> satu bulan apakah beresiko tinggi..?
> tolong dong yang punya pengalaman atau yang tau 
> artikel atau makalah di
> informasikan ke saya
> thanks
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