So, with 14.2, I have a scenario where I want separate Pool resources per
client, and I have multiple Job resources per client. This means I need to
define four lines of Pools per job, which is obviously a bit of a hassle.

Unless I can nest JobDefs, which would be a stupendous way to organize
things cleanly. According to the Bareos docs:

"The JobDefs resource permits all the same directives that can appear in a
Job resource. However, a JobDefs resource does not create a Job, rather it
can be referenced within a Job to provide defaults for that Job. This
permits you to concisely define several nearly identical Jobs, each one
referencing a JobDefs resource which contains the defaults. Only the
changes from the defaults need to be mentioned in each Job."

Great. A Job resource permits JobDefs directives, so if a JobDefs resource
permits all directives a Job resource does, I should be able to have a
JobDefs directive in a JobsDefs resource. Exactly what I need.

So here's roughly what I have in front of me. Only some hostnames have been

JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Client = bareos-dir-fd
  FileSet = "SelfTest"                     # selftest fileset
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Messages = Standard
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bareos/%c.bsr"

JobDefs {
  Name = "dbJob"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Storage = File2
  Full Backup Pool = db-Full
  Differential Backup Pool = db-Differential
  Incremental Backup Pool = db-Incremental
  Pool = db-Incremental

Job {
  Name = "db"
  JobDefs = "dbJob"

Job {
  Name = "db-mysql"
  JobDefs = "dbJob"
  FileSet = "MySQL All"

When I try to start the director with this configuration, though, I get:

May 29 12:16:25 bareos.f.q.d.n bareos-dir[21335]: "Type" directive in Job
"db" resource is required, but not found.

The "Type" director is right there in DefaultJob. If the "db" job resource
isn't seeing it, that means DefaultJob isn't getting folded properly into
the "dbJob" JobDefs resource before getting folded into the "db" job.

Am I nuts, or is this a bug?

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