Dear Bernd, Mathias and the List...

On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:19:45 +0200, "Bernd Haegemann" <>
> I uploaded for scientific and testudinological purposes a document we
> talking about recently, PL-Wu 4142  (olim 2010).

Well, big thanks again for that treasure, which we all - I guess - have
seen and checked.

My tiny contributions (at least I hope contributions and not an
insults...;-) are my "tubings" of the Courante, Sarabande and Menuet by A.
Dix, played from PL-Wu 4142:

I hope my Courante is slow enough, Mathias... :-)

Originally I thought only to record the Courante, but then I just went to
the Sarabande and Menuet, too. Certainly with too little rehearsal... Sorry
for that.

And I hope my tiny effort will encourage every beginner of 11-courser to
check the wonderful ms. we have got! And actually I am also beginner in
playing a d-minor lute...

And - by the way - nowadays I think and feel that playing is not needed to
be an interpretation of the "holy scripture" of a genius, but just an
everyday normal joy; I tend to have more or less of a folk music attitude
to our pieces, play and enjoy yourself. If others enjoy, that's even

All the best,


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