Dear David,
I think 'orchestral' pitch can be very misleading in relation to the
pitching of lutes in mid/late 17th century France: there is really very
little evidence for the use of lutes with other instruments in France
throughout this period and thus no need to assume any confo
Dear Martyn
> Why should an instrument with a longer string length work 'better' with
> gut? MH
Until, Mimmo began making loaded Venices, it seems that most lutenists using a
Charles Mouton style lute (de Troy), say 66,5cm, have tended to use wire-wound
basses, or at best gimped basses.
Dear Martyn
Dear Anthony,
> Why should an instrument with a longer string length work 'better' with
> gut?
Until, Mimmo began making loaded Venices, it seems that most lutenists using a
Charles Mouton style lute (de Troy), say 66,5cm, have tended to use wire-wound
basses, or at best g
On May 31, 2011, at 12:32 PM, Martyn Hodgson wrote:
> The question was: what size of lute would a French lutenist around
> 1670 have generally expected? The question was not, is it possible
> to play the music on a significantly larger lute? (clearly, as I
> wrote in Lute News 94 - it is); or
Dear David,
The question was: what size of lute would a French lutenist around
1670 have generally expected? The question was not, is it possible to
play the music on a significantly larger lute? (clearly, as I wrote in
Lute News 94 - it is); or even, what size of lute would on
On May 31, 2011, at 10:08 AM, Martyn Hodgson wrote:
Also see my correspondance with Bailes in recent issues of Lute
News on
the sizes of French lutes c.1670: the evidence (iconography, early
measurements - especially the Talbot MS, extant instruments)
indicates that a string length
Dear Anthony,
Why should an instrument with a longer string length work 'better' with
Any advantage gained by the strings being longer is precisely offset by
having to tune the whole instrument lower. If we follow the general
rule that the stress on the highest string is t
Dear Arto
The question might be what the characteristics are that you are
in an 11-course baroque lute, and for what part of the 11c repertoire, and what
type of stringing you are hoping to use (particularly for the basses), low
tension:high tension, pure gut or loaded