> The elder may, of course, have= lived to a ripe old age but not, I
   > suspect, as a practicising m= usician: one modern note I've seen has
   > travelling to Berlin = in 1700 (aged 84) to take part in the marriage
   > Princess Louis= e of Brandenburg and Prince Frederick of

   The ms. in Vienna has notes in German kurrentschrift on the first page,
   = excerpts from Walther's lexicon, or so I seem to remember. The gig in
   Berli= n is mentioned there.


   > MH
   > --- On Wed, 23/3/11, Edward Martin <ed@gamutstrings.= com> wrote:
   > From: Edward Martin <e...@gamutstrings.com><= br /> > Subject:
   [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: PS to: Jacques de Saint-Luc
   &g= t; To: "Martyn Hodgson" <hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>, "Baroque lute
   Dm= th"
   > <baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   > Date: Wedne= sday, 23 March, 2011, 22:29
   > Dear Martyn and all,
   > I had some correspondence with Tim Crawford 15 years ago, and I was=
   > asking him about the notes written on Stephen Stubbs' CD of Sai= nt
   > Here are copies of this correspondence. No He did not = live that
   > long, as there were 2 Saint Luc's. Here is what Tim w= rote, 15 years
   > ago:
   > ><<<<Oh dear, oh d= ear! The composer in question was probably
   > de St Luc's > >son, Laurent (again, this is from memory). The music
   is *obvi= ously*
   > from a
   > >different generation than the 2 or = 3 pieces by JdeSL that survive;
   > was
   > >probably c= omposed in the early 18th century, and is in the
   > proto-galant
   > >style we associate with de Visee, Losy and others rather than<= br
   /> > Gaultier,
   > >Pinel, Dufaut etc who were JdeSL's cont= emporaries.>>>>>
   > >
   > >Dear Tim,
   > >
   > > I would not challenge your knowledge of this = - I am a performer,
   > a
   > >scholar in these areas.= Yes, the style does seem later to me, as
   > well. I
   > &g= t;was merely quoting what the liner notes said - they were
   written by
   = > Manuel
   > >Couvreur and Philippe Vendrix, translated by Ce= lia Skrine.
   > in the
   > >notes, on page 9, is= the following:
   > >
   > > "On 15 June, 1658, in the = Cathedral of Sainte-Gudule in Brussels,
   > >Saint-Luc married Is= abelle de Lagrenee, possibly a descendant of
   > Pierre
   > &= gt;Lagrenee, an oboist and violinist in the court band of King
   Henri IV
   > of
   > >France. He had several children by her including= two sons,
   > >Jacques-Alexandre, baptised at Sainte-Gudule on J= une 8, 1663, and
   > Laurent,
   > >baptised on 10 August 1= 669, but , contrary to what most
   > claim,
   >= >there is no justification for supposing that they undertook any
   kind > of
   > >musical activity. The last documented evidence= of the presence of
   > Saint-Luc
   > >and his family in B= russels dates from 14 August 1684."
   > >
   > >On page = 11, it states," Amongst the pieces with titles which
   > contribute = to a
   > >picture of the composers last years, the latest date is= one that
   > >commemorates the capture of Lille in 1708. Saint-= Luc was by then
   > years
   > >old and must have died s= hortly afterwards. Certainly there is no
   > trace of
   > &g= t;any later work"
   > >
   > >I agree with you Tim - 92= years old is incredible, for that
   > >
   > >= The notes also state that there are 2 main sources for his solo
   = > works,
   > >in carefully copied manuscripts:
   > >=
   > >ms.no. S.m. 1586 in the Austrian National Library at Vienna= , and >
   > >ms.no. X.L.b.210 in the library of Prague Univers= ity.
   > >
   > >The last paragraph, page 12, states:
   > >
   > >"To Jacques de Saint-Luc undoubtedly belongs t= he credit for
   > transmitting the
   > >heritage of French= lute music to a new generation of Viennese
   > lutenists, the
   = > >last exponents of an instrument which was destined soon to disapp=
   > from
   > >the musical scene."
   > >
   > Thanks for passing this on. I am *extremely* skeptical that the St L=
   > of
   > these MSS (and the several more in the same han= d which have parts
   > violin
   > and bass) is the same a= s the well-documented Jacques (about whom a
   > book was
   > = written early this century). There is *no hint* of music in an
   > style
   > in the MSS.
   > As for the final paragraph, = I couldn't disagree more with the
   > If
   > they be= lieve that the Viennese lutenists were "the last exponents
   > an= instrument which was destined soon to disappear from the musical
   >= ; scene," then
   > they either don't regard Weiss as a significant f= igure, or are
   > pig-ignorant.
   > Dufaut and Mouton both pl= ayed in 'Austria' and were far greater
   > composers
   > and,= probably, players. I suspect that J Gallot in his 'long journey
   >= abroad'
   > (see the intro to the Gallot edition) also visited Vien= na. As far
   as I
   > know
   > St Luc caused a stir at a weddin= g in Berlin in 1700, and there are
   > or
   > two other r= eferences, but nothing to suggest he was as
   > highly-respected as<= br /> > any of these three.
   > I suspect Philippe Vendrix (who k= nows a thing or two) just read
   > too
   > quickly.
   > It is, I'm afraid, the result of misplaced scholarly caution. Becaus=
   > (and
   > do not have the facts to challenge this) there= is no evidence that
   > JdeSL's
   > sons were lutenists, and= we have no evidence of JdeSL's date of
   > death, the music *must*= be by him. This simply does not follow - it
   > a 'non sequitur'= . It could be by a cousin, an undocumented son or
   > someone impers= onating any one of them. One has to take the
   > risk of l= ooking
   > at the music, the MSS and their stylistic features and ma= king a
   > *judgement*!
   > Not hard in this case.
   >= (Steve Stubbs, a musician I greatly respect, asked me some years ago
   = > to think
   > about doing some liner notes for him but I never = heard any
   > more.)>>>>>>>>>>>>= >>>>>>>>>>>
   > I hope this helps. = I trust Tim's scholarship in this matter.
   > ed
   > At 11:2= 5 AM 3/23/2011, Martyn Hodgson wrote:
   > > By chance I've ju= st looked for any recorded music of Saint-Luc
   > and saw
   >= > that there's a CD by a 'Jacques-Alexandre de Saint Luc' with >=
   > dates given as 1663 - c.1715. I have no knowledge of the so= urce of
   > > this information but it would certainly fit with= the speculation
   > of two
   > > individuals with the = same, or similar,names. The players are
   > Jacques
   > > = Vandeville oboe and Daniel Fournier lute (and theorbo!).
   > >=
   > > MH
   > > --- On Wed, 23/3/11, Martyn Hodgs= on
   > <[1]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
   > > > > From: Martyn Hodgson <[2]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk&g= t;
   > > Subject: Jacques de Saint-Luc
   > > = To: "Baroque lute Dmth" <[3]baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu> >
   > Date: Wednesday, 23 March, 2011, 15:47
   > >
   >= ; >
   > > The dates of this composer are generally given as= 1616 - 1710
   > which
   > > seems a phenomenal life sp= an for the time and even more so when
   > his
   > > ext= ant lute works seem to be in the style of the early decades of
   > t= he
   > > 18th century (even down to fashionable
   > >= ; doubling of the top and bottom line by strings) which would have
   = > made
   > > him well into his 90s when these works were c= omposed....... His >
   > compositional style also seems much c= loser to Austro-germanic
   > composers
   > > like Logy,= von Radolt, Hintherleithner et al who flourished
   > around the
   > > turn of the century being predominantly in a polarised treb= le and
   > bass
   > > manner.
   > >
   >= ; > I can find little about this shadowy figure but am being drawn
   > the
   > > speculation that there may have been two= different composers
   > with the
   > > same name (fat= her and son/nephew perhaps). Can anybody shed
   > further
   >= > light? Perhaps I've missed a paper?
   > >
   > &g= t; One clue ought to be the names of pieces such as 'La Prise de
   > <= br /> > Barcellonne', which might suggest a date of 1705 or 1714
   but co= uld be
   > > some earlier investment, or 'Le defaittes des Fra= ncois par les
   > Allemand
   > > Devant Turin' which su= ggests 1703. Again I find it hard to
   > believe that
   > >= ; the same San Luc was composing such 'modern' programmatic music
   = > at such
   > > a ripe old age.
   > >
   > = > MH
   > >
   > > --
   > >
   >= >
   > >To get on or off this list see list information at
   > >[4]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   = > Edward Martin
   > 2817 East 2nd Street
   > Duluth, Minn= esota 55812
   > e-mail: [5]e...@gamutstrings.com
   > voice: = (218) 728-1202
   > [6]http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=3D16602= 98871&ref=3Dname
   > [7]http://www.myspace.com/edslute
   >= ;
   > --
   > References
   > 1= .
   > http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=3Dhodgsonmartyn@y=
   > 2.
   > http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compo=
   > 3.
   > http://uk.mc263.=
   > 4. = http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > 5. http:/=
   /uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=3...@gamutstrings.com 6.
   > = http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=3D1660298871&ref=3Dname
   &g= t; 7. http://www.myspace.com/edslute

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