My reply to you did not get through (because of photos screen shots I added). I was just saying that messags on Baroque questions are contantly sent to the lute list: swan neck, Weiss and nails, and you yourself reply on that list with no problem. I admit I am becoming confused. When is a message appropriate only for one list, certainly not string types, even if my message was related to Swan necks.

The problem then will constantly be to make the right choice, not only of to what list, but to which persons. I have no list of members, so I don't know who belongs where.

People shift messages and leave the same title, it will be a problem for people searching for the topic later. I happen to do that quite often., so I know that is so.

I know I should say nothing about that if I confuse addresses, I don't think it is quite the same problem however.

It is always possible to indicate a topic has been shifted by adding a word, such as "nails" or whatever.

I am beginning to bite mine this evening, as I think how I am going to work out, where and to which persons, I will send my next mail.

I hope you did get my feliciations, that were sent on the very first day you mentionned the arrival. Indeed, I may have sent the message before you sent yours, as I don't know whether I am coming or going.
Well, actially going, as it really is late.

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