I used baseX gui to create a database from the following test file:

<main xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
    <xi:include href="folder1/file1.xml" />
    <xi:include href="folder2/file1.xml" />

The Result of the baseX gui is correct:

<main xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
  <data xml:base="folder1/file1.xml">5555</data>
  <data xml:base="folder2/file1.xml">6666</data>

Now, after editing the values, I would like to export the contents of the 
database to xml files, recreating the same folders and files (I see this 
information stored in the value of xml:base)
However, using the export function available in the GUI, I am able only to 
obtain a single file containing the Result shown above. What should I do?
Thank you
Marco Randazzo

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