Rod> Jamie, do you intend to include the second part of the patch
        Rod> in BBDB distribution (the part that allows the STRING field
        Rod> of the auto-notes-alist record to be a string, integer or
        Rod> function) ?

      Jamie> Sure, looks fine.

    Joe> Here is a small suggestion.  If the item is a function, the
    Joe> function should be called with a buffer and region rather than
    Joe> with a string, to avoid making strings.

  Rod> As `fieldval' is already available as a string (it is made on line
  Rod> 345 of bbdb-hooks.el), why is it better to pass a buffer and region
  Rod> ?

In that case it is no worse but BBDB should really be rewritten to do
about 10 times less string creation.  The way BBDB makes strings with
abandon is a major reason why it is so slow.

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