>>>>> "KG" == Kai Großjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

KG> I'm living on the bleeding edge with a number of packages, and I
KG> confess that I'm not very eager to add BBDB to this list.  I'd
KG> like to use a stable version.

Hey Kai, do you remember my stupid questions on the Gnus-NGs...

Well, that said, I am quite happy with the current head of
bbdb-cvs. This might actually be the right time to grab a version;-))

(Waider, please tag the repository before the next file-version

KG> That said, 2.2 has been around for a while now.  And I think using

Yes, there have been a few problems, then this list was very quite for
a while, cause everybody seemed to be happy.
(Now it's getting kind of busy, as people come up with new (old) issues
and discuss/start implenting changes.)

KG> 2.2 will help with syncing with a Palm, and all my colleages (and
KG> I) have one, now.

Dunno, sorry.

I can heartly suggest upgrading to the current head of cvs.
See what others have to say, there are actually Palm-experienced
users around:-))

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