On Tue Sep 20 2011 Leo wrote:
> Better support for organisation-only records. Also fix a bug when
> firstname or lastname are nil. Comments welcome ;)

For those who did not browse Leo's code: 

The current BBDB code assumes that a record should have a name so
that the record can be identified by this name. Leo's code adds the
organization field as an alternative if a record has no name
associated with it.

I guess this is really raising two questions: 

- At least which fields should a record have filled to be a valid

- What are possible usages of the organization field?

While I can not yet claim I thought about this in all detail, in my
own usage of BBDB I have looked at the organization field as a list
of attributes for grouping records (by means of BBDB's search
functions). This motivated the change to make the organization field
a list (while in BBDB 2 it was a string): So one person might be a
colleague from work, but also a member of this or that other
organization. Then BBDB can make a list of all colleagues from work
or some other organization.

So if I make a BBDB record for something that's not a person, I put
the name of this 'something' into the name field - so that the
organization field is still available as a list of grouping
attributes in much the same way it works for "real persons". An
organization with a BBDB record can likewise be part of a larger


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