On Thu Sep 29 2011 Ivan Kanis wrote:
> Hi Roland,
> In the function below could the line (require 'bbdb-autoloads) be
> removed? Since the function is auto loaded it shouldn't require it. If
> it really can't be removed how about putting
> (load "bbdb-autoloads" t)
> The reason I am requesting the change is my setup is using a different
> name for autoload and things break...

This is once again a historic piece of code.

While a "proper" installation mechanism for BBDB is still on the
to-do list, I am simply using

(require 'bbdb-autoloads "/my/bbdb/lisp/path/bbdb-autoloads.elc")

because bbdb-autoloads (now) adds "/my/bbdb/lisp/path" to load-path.

So I believe the answer is yes, it can be removed.

Or did I overlook something?


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
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