I have been playing with CardDAV over the past few weeks, and I am happy to
report that it has reached a state where I can show it to the world.

Here is what you should know before you play with this:

- It is only tested with Apple's Calendar Server on my local Mac with a few
  BBDB files . I would love to hear how this works with other carddav
  out there

- Not all contact fields are synched yet. You can more info in the README
  linked to below.

- The new branch on the git repo has a bunch of new git submodules. I would
  recommend you checkout a fresh copy of the carddav branch for your initial

- The CardDAV protocol does not have a batch write operation - but has a
  read method - which means that writing lots of contacts to a remote server
  may be slow - much slower than synching to a google contacts server using
  ASynK. This situation will not change unless something changes with the
  WebDAV protocol

With that out of the way, here is the repo:

Please see the README here for setup and further instructions:

Feel free to write back with questions or comments.

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