On Wed Sep 25 2013 Esben Stien wrote:
> I'm trying to disable bbdb-3 pop-up in gnus, but the following seems to
> have no effect. 

The defaults of BBDB 3 are such that they make BBDB the least
obtrusive possible.  So how did you configure BBDB to work with gnus?

Then, what behavior do you currently get when? What do you want to get
instead? You need to be more specific.

> (setq bbdb-use-pop-up nil)

This variable does not exist in BBDB 3.

> (setq bbdb-mua-pop-up t)

Do you want nil instead? See the docstring.

> (bbdb-mua-pop-up-window-size 2)

This doesn't make the window go away.  See the docstring.

> Any pointers as to what I can try?

Please be more specific of what you currently do and what you are
aiming for.

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