
I'm trying to use vm and emacs to read my mail. I want 
to use bbdb as an address book. This is with NTEmacs 
20.7 on a Pentium Pro machine running Windows NT 4.0 
with SP6a. Both vm and bbdb are the most recent 
versions (6.92 and 2.32 respectively).

I had posted a similar message to gnu.emacs.vm.info, 
and Waider pointed out that it was more likely a 
problem with bbdb. I have gone into significantly more 
detail here. Please bear with me.

I downloaded the precompiled vm.elc from the vm web 
site and placed it in this directory:


This directory is on my emacs load-path.

I then downloaded bbdb and unpacked it into a directory 
under site-lisp.

I opened bbdb-vm.el and commented out the line that 

(require 'vm-autoload)

Because I had downloaded the precompiled vm.elc, this 
file did not exist on my system.

I have installed cygwin's tools, so I opened a window 
to use a bash shell, and ran "configure" in this 


After "configure", I ran "make vm" in the same 
directory in the same bash session.

I then ran emacs, opened my .emacs and added the bbdb 
lisp directory to my load-path with:

(add-to-list 'load-path "e:/mbroschi/apps/emacs-

I then added the lines

(require 'bbdb)
(bbdb-initialize 'vm)

to my .emacs

Then I opened my .vm file and added


I saved both files, exited emacs and restarted it.

I then ran vm with "M-x vm", and immediately received 
this message:

"Symbol's function definition is void: bbdb-insinuate-

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help,


Mike Broschinsky, Doctoral Student

University of Utah
Political Science Department
260 South Central Campus Drive Rm 252
Salt Lake City, UT  84112-9152


BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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