On Wed Apr 2 2014 Steve Bradley wrote:
> What  I would like to ask.... is where to get documentation about
> installing and using BBDB v3 particularly with wanderlust and Org
> if available...also can one use the manual that's available with
> v2 ( http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/ bbdb.html) and the information
> at the Emacs Wiki (http://www.emacswiki.org/ emacs/UpgradeBBDB )
> and pretty much be set on how to use this program.

Documentation is still one of the bigger problems of BBDB 3.  The
README file provides a brief introduction.  Otherwise you need to
read the docstrings of the user variables, most of which are at the
beginning of bbdb.el.  The old documentation for v2 is of little
help for v3 as too many things have changed.

BBDB (v3 and any older versions I am aware of) does not yet
support wanderlust.  It should be fairly straightforward to
implement this for BBDB 3.  Yet I do not know anything about
wanderlust.  So I cannot do it myself.

> Secondly when I installed this program, it came with a file called
> bbdb-readme-txt that's a approximately 4400 lines of text...is
> that supposed to be copy and pasted into the ~/.emacs file or
> parsed and pick out what is needed...

I do not know what this file is.  The BBDB repository on savannah
does not contain such a file.

> "...This should be removed, and the following put in place:
> a hierarchical structure of bbdb files, some perhaps read-only,
> perhaps caching in the local bbdb. This way one could have, e.g. an
> organization address book, with each person having access to it, and
> then a local address book with personal stuff in it.

Sounds like an old to-do list for a future version of BBDB.


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