On Fri Nov 4 2011 Ivan Kanis wrote:
> > Also, I looked at your picture code. I think it is a nice idea that
> > can be added to BBDB. (Right now,) My only thought about this is
> > that I suggest to replace bbdb-picture-path by some kind of list
> > that can make the search for pictures more flexible. Say, if this
> > list includes a symbol, it is interpreted as a note field. Then BBDB
> > looks up the name of the picture in this BBDB field.
> I am not clear about the spec. Do you want a custom field to contain a
> path to an image? I can arrange that.

Yes, I thought that not always one might have a picture file with a
file name that is just the name of an entry. Then it could be useful
to have some other means to specify the file name of a picture for a
BBDB record.

What do other people on this list think about this? If you wanted to
add pictures to your BBDB records, which file names would you want
to use for this? Would these file names be the same as the names
going with each record? Or could this (also) be different so that
BBDB should first, say, look for a note field `picture' the value of
which is the file name of the picture to use. Only if that's not
found, it could use the name of a record to search for a picture.
With the latter scheme it would be possible to have multiple records
using the same pciture. Then the picture could be, for example, an
Emacs logo, for all records of people related with emacs.
(BBDB does not yet have a logo!)


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