Actually, looks like a simple modification to bbdb-com.el. This patch will
optionally allow mail-alias expansion during bbdb-complete-name.
RCS file: /cvsroot/bbdb/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-com.el,v
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -c -C0 -r1.90 bbdb-com.el
*** bbdb-com.el 2001/01/24 02:07:18 1.90
--- bb
I use eudc since I search both ldap and bbdb, but I bet the same sort
of advice could be applied directly to bbdb-complete-name:
(defadvice eudc-expand-inline (around check-aliases-too activate)
"If eudc-expand-inline doesn't find a match, check for a match in mail-aliases."
(condition-case n
Is there a way to make bbdb-complete-name also do expand-abbrev on
mail-aliases? Seems like I have hit CR or SP instead.
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