Title: Re: ADMIN: Not Receiving BD Now!? Viruses and BD Now! Subscriptions
From: bdnow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 06:49:53 -0500
Subject: ADMIN: Not Receiving BD Now!? Viruses and BD Now! Subscriptions
All this reminds me: how come you rad
I work for a major corporation and just got this warning. Thought it worth passing on.
The message will have "Hi" or "FW: Hi!" in the subject line.
It will say one of the following in the body:
How are you
When I saw this screen saver, i imediately thought about you
I am in a Harry, I promise you
I'm writing this primarily to those of you who are reading from the archives.
I'm at the ACRES USA conference with Hugh Lovel until 12/10 and won't
be of much service to anyone until after that date.
This recent spate of viruses has caused a very high number of BD Now!
subscribers to be unsub