Title: Re: Agri-Synthesis?  short-lived and overpriced? was R e:   Agri-Synthesis? Remedies Tested At   UAI
James, (&etal)
you wrote

The eight pointed star exercise is a good example of  the skills that I
teach in my workshops, except  I dont teach it as a particularly Goethean
anthropop approach. It really is just a case of tuning in and being aware of
what is happening within you, and around you.
The eight pointed star exercise raises some interesting questions as to why
you can stand on this pattern and actually feel that there is a difference
between different spots on the star.

I care to note that this exercise, the eight point star, is at the heart of the Tai Chi Yang Form.
As one moves through the points the meditation in action collects, carries, pushes, kneads Chi. With dedication one can do some rather amazing things with the Chi but it starts as an exercise in paying attention.

Initially the pattern has no meaning,
it is only an abstract diagram drawn to test a theory, but at some stage the
pattern has become an antennae. That this pattern is capable of broadcasting
and receiving emanations is obvious from the feel that there is something

Here we can return to another conversation that of scalars & vectors.
And I will disagree with your assumption that because you are feeling something that there (you or the pattern) must be an antenna. My experience is you are collecting Qi (scalars  which have no reference point) from the vacuum, the ether. The Qi just is, it's quality and magnitude will change but it need not & I perceive that it does not radiate from any reference point, broadcaster etc.

Why is it that we can use a pattern, [sacred geometry] put a witness ,such
as drop of blood, sputum, hair or any object that his person has had contact
with, write a number, [an abstraction such as a rate] and it can cause an
effect on that which the witness has come from.
Does this action at a distance derive from intent, or is there some other
factors in operation so subtle that unless we are aware of it, just passes
us by. If we go past the belief that it is intent that causes this action or
that, and just become aware of where our thoughts are going and follow them
we become aware that there is a place where those thoughts go. A place where
the thought and the action become one, where there is no cause and effect,
there is just one.The thought is the key activator, not the intent.

Ah now we are talking the same concept!

Just try this one, stand in the middle of a paddock with a small phial of
Phosphoric Acid in your hand, or any reagent that you fancy, become aware of
the feel of the contents of the phial, get a stick and draw a square or
circle around you and start chanting the mantra Om. do it for as long as you
can, usually the chanting will get to the stage that it will not come out,
just retain your awareness on single pointed focus, you become the antennae
and broadcaster.

Now obviously I feel you are confused again.
Each day before you do this exercise become aware of what is happening in
the area that you are in for the exercise. What has changed? Has the
phosphorus level changed in the area.
You dont need to use the physical substances, you can  bring them into
manifestation from the unmanifest universe. To gain the confidence to even
attempt this, first you must become aware that there are subtle emanations
which can be amplifiedby awareness of muscle movements, much in the same way
as kinesiology.
It appears from much of the discussion that dowsing is some inferior form of
perception, this is not the case, it is another form of perception.

Some of this "my perception" is better then "thou-est" stuff is even little paternal.

There is another point in your discussion that never gets addressed on this list and that is the power of ritual itself.
What role does the ritualizing that you outlined above have in the power of manifesting?
What role does ritual have in stirring preps?

Thank you for your Light!

In Love and with all our Light
Both dowsing and Goethean perception are skills which serve the adept well
if they are proficient at them.
Stay in the light.

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