As Gil Scott-Heron said, in another time, another place, for a different

     The revolution will not be televised.
     The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
     In 4 parts without commercial interruptions.
     The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
     blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John
     Mitchell, General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat
     hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary.
     The revolution will not be televised.


That is to say, nothing will happen if you sit on your butt and wait for it to
happen on the evening infotainment. Any sort of social or political change
happens when enough people get adequately pissed off to actually *do*
something. You're right; 20/20 will never challenge the DMCA. This means that
*you* have to do that, *I* have to do that, and anyone who actually cares
it has to pay attention and do something.

What is that something? Write. Write to your mayor, write to your
representative, write to your president. Most of all, write and talk to your
friends and family about it. Get *them* pissed off and angry about the status
quo. Then after you're done writing, organize. Organize or join a community
media awareness group; get other people talking and writing about it.

Mass media is a huge hurdle, but that's not the only way people communicate.
People still have voices and brains and hands that can do quite a bit to
convince and motivate. Don't be so quick to give up just because the playing
field is tilted.

I don't agree with your near-the-end-times view of things, but if that's the
way you see it, do you want to go down swinging, or sitting on the couch? Die
on your feet or live on your knees?

David A. Kurtz

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