<Dr DeMeo does not have the time to commit to joining BD Now! but is open to responding to more questions/comments that appear on BD Now! regarding atmospheric manipulation.-Allan>

Status:  U
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 13:51:22 -0800
To: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: James DeMeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: COMMENTS? Fwd: Re: Cloudbusters
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=10.0

Hi Allan,

Thanks for forwarding the email item on chemtrails/chembusters, with the
request for a comment.  Here's my short reply.

I had seen Mr. Constable's essays at Rense.com, but not the follow-up
materials you supplied. You maybe know my paper "So You Want to Build a
Cloudbuster", circulated since 1986 as a warning to irresponsible
weather-manipulation, so I am glad to learn Constable has added his voice
in this direction.  I've also previously addressed the problem of
"chembusters" and "chemtrail theory", and so have nothing more to add
beyond what I've already written on the matter, at these web pages:



Anyone interested in the facts about my own 30+ years of research on the
subject of Reich's discoveries can review my publications at:


and the various articles in our Pulse of the Planet journal continue to be


Attached below is our most recent Newsletter, with additional information.

It is important to keep clear and separate Reich's original discoveries,
that which has been validated by objective measures and controlled
experiments, versus purely speculative claims, without such support.  His
discoveries are very important for our small planet, if we wish for a
better future, and so caution and clarity are demanded from honestly
concerned people.

And for the record, my criticisms of Mr. Croft's ideas and scheme to sell
"chembusters" like dish-soap were made openly to him, and in the light of
day, with nothing said or done behind the back, or in a concealed manner.
He knows about my criticisms because I made them directly to him and
several of his followers, and later posted the materials to my website so
that I would not have to be repeating myself all the time.  By contrast, I
am informed from persons on his own email group at Yahoo, open criticisms
or discussions of the issues raised in my critique several years ago are
forbidden and censored out, with persons who raise such issues being thrown
off his list.  If there was any objective evidence to support all the
various claims being made, anything substantial which could stand up under
even mild scientific criticism, I would be open to the ideas.  As discussed
in my website paper, that's not the case.

Circulate this to whomever you wish.

Kind regards,

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520



To: Various Contacts, Students and Professionals with Interests in Wilhelm
Reich's Discoveries, Including Correspondents on Gentle-Childbirth, AIDS
criticism, Living Water (Schauberger), Subtle-Energies and Ether-Physics.

Information of Scientific Interest, from James DeMeo, Ph.D., and the
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Greensprings Center, Ashland, Oregon.
This is the infrequent version of our OBRL-Newsletter (~quarterly).

March 2003

Five topical notices below:

1.  Greensprings Interdisciplinary Seminars 2003: Summer Educational Events

2.  Reminder on availability of our new publication: "Heretic's Notebook:
Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy, with New Research
Supporting Wilhelm Reich"

3.  A major new Bibliography on Orgonomy (the science of life-energy
functions in nature), and two new "Press Release" Articles, now posted to
the OBRL Internet site.

4. New Life-Energy Field Meter nearing completion.

5. Information on our more frequent "OBRL-News-Bulletin" at Yahoo groups.

Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups


1. Announcing: "Greensprings Seminars 2003"

Summer 2003 Educational Events

Full Details at:

* 26-27 July (Saturday-Sunday):
Seminar on Saharasia: Primitive Peaceful Societies and
the Origins of Violence: Evidence from Cross-Cultural
Anthropological and recent Archaeological Findings.
Instructor: James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Subjects: Gentle Childbirth, Mass Psychology of Fascism, Origins of Human
Armoring, Discussions from Dr. DeMeo's book "Saharasia: The 4000 BCE
Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the
Deserts of the Old World".

* 2-3 August (Saturday-Sunday):
Bions, Biogenesis and the Reich Blood Test:
Introductory Microscopy Laboratory Seminar
Instructors: Richard Blasband, MD, James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Subjects: Origins of Life, Pleomorphism, Cancer Biopathy, Bionous
Disintegration of Cells (apoptosis), Life-Energy Charge of Tissues and
Blood (immunity), High-Magnification Light Microscopy of Living

* 9-10 August (Saturday-Sunday):
The Orgone Energy Accumulator:
History, Construction, and Experimental Use
Instructor: James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Subjects:  Reich's Discovery of the Orgone Energy, as Biological
Life-Energy, Atmospheric Energy and Cosmic (Ether) Energy, Methods for
Measurement and Accumulation, with Demonstrations and Observations in an
Orgone Energy Darkroom.

* Guided Independent Study Program in General Orgonomy.
Meeting every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
from 22 July through 7 August, 2003.
An in-depth coverage of all the above topics, plus more.

Go to this web site for more details:

An information packet is also available for postal mailing, providing
additional details along with speaker biographies. Also a list of nearby
motels, inns, campgrounds, restaurants, and other facilities will be sent
upon request. The area is loaded with recreational attractions and
beautiful natural wonders. Call, write, fax or e-mail for details.

Times: Weekend Seminars meet from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day, Saturday
and Sunday.  Guided Independent Study Program will meet from 10:00 AM to
5:00 PM each day.

Where: At the O.B.R.L. Greensprings Center, 20 miles east of Ashland,
Oregon in the forests of the Siskiyou Mountains.
Please register early.  More details are on the web site.

At the Greensprings Center, we offer students (young and old, with or
without academic training) the opportunity to study the social and
biophysical dimensions of Wilhelm Reich's natural scientific
discoveries, and also to directly investigate and observe orgone
energy functions in nature. Each year, a series of lectures, weekend
seminars and independent study courses will be offered at this unique
location and facility, spanning the broad range of interdisciplinary
orgonomy and venturing into related subjects as well.

To Register, or obtain additional information, contact:

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Center, PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
Phone/Fax: 541/ 552-0118

More information at:

NOTE: This year we will not be postal-mailing our usual printed flyers. If
you are interested in attending, please respond to this email as soon as


2.  For those who have not obtained it, we highly recommend our new

"Heretic's Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life
Energy, With New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich" Edited by James DeMeo,
Ph.D., Natural Energy, 2002.  Perfectbound, Full color cover, 272 pages
$24 plus shipping.  Ordering information on-line or by ordinary email to

Table of Contents

Infants, Children, Sociology, Archaeology:
- "Orgonomic First Aid for Mothers and Infants", by Eva Reich
- "Update on Saharasia: Ambiguities and Uncertainties about War Before
Civilization", by James DeMeo
- "Orgonomic Functionalism: A Lecture in Berlin", by Myron Sharaf
- "CSICOP, Time Magazine, and Wilhelm Reich", by John Wilder
- "Childbirth As A Sexual Process", by Matthew Appleton
- "Giordano Bruno's Philosophy", by Carlo Albini

- "Studies on the Origin of Life: The Preparation of Primordial Cell-Like
Forms", by Bernard Grad
- "Some Observations on Reich's Experiment 20", by Maxwell Snyder
- "The Sanal Theory of Bong Han Kim: Bion-Like Processes in Acupuncture and
Biology", by Dong Chul Kong and Hyun-Won Kim
- "Bion-Biogenesis Research and Seminars at OBRL: Progress Report", by
James DeMeo

Orgone Biophysics
- "Dayton Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments: A Fresh Look", by James DeMeo
- "The Experiments of Dayton Miller and the Theory of Relativity", by
Maurice Allais
- "Reconciling Miller's Ether-Drift with Reich's Dynamic Orgone", by James
- "The Implications of Current Consciousness Research on Orgonomic Theory",
by Richard Blasband
- "Orgonometry: A New Detector", by Courtney Baker
- "Orgone Field Observations Using Dowsing Rods", by Nikolas Nikolaidis
- "Orgone Accumulator Stimulation of Sprouting Mung Beans", by James DeMeo
- "West-East Asymmetry and Diurnal Effect of Cosmic Radiation", by Dave Marett
- "Confirmation of an Oranur Anomaly", by Victor Milian, et al

Cosmic Orgone Engineering
- "OROP Eritrea: A 5-Year Desert Greening Experiment in the East African
Sahara-Sahel", by James DeMeo
- "The Origin of the Tropical Easterlies: An Orgonomic Perspective", by
James DeMeo
- "The Orgone Energy Motor", by James DeMeo
- "Examination of the Western Electric KS-9154 Motor", by Nicholas Reiter
- "The Earth-Atmosphere Electrical Potential as a Source of Electromotive
Power", by James DeMeo
- "Renewable and "Free" Energy from Nature: Net-Energy Analysis", by James
- "Satellites or Silent Glowing Spacecraft? Are Some Assumed 'Satellites'
Extraterrestrial?", by James DeMeo
- "My UFO Observations", by James DeMeo
- "Negative Finding on Trevor Constable's 'Bioforms'"

- OBRL Research Progress Report
- Book Reviews: Saharasia, Wilhelm Reich & the Cold War, Left At East Gate
- In Memoriam: The Passing of So Many (Robert Morris, Michael Rothenberg,
Lou Hochberg, Myron Sharaf)



3. Several new items posted to the OBRL Internet Website:

* Bibliography on Orgonomy, with related separate bibliographical listings
of academic dissertations and theses, legal documents and court records (on
the Trial of Reich), and more:

* PRESS RELEASE on SAHARASIA: New Study On the Origins of Violence Proves:
Ancient Humans Were Peaceful, Modern Violence is Avoidable. First presented
to the world in the 1980s, and now, after 9-11, more important than ever
for an understanding of the genesis of human antisocial violence and

* PRESS RELEASE on a 'New' Method for Drought-Abatement and
Desert-Greening: Cloudbusting
A 1950s Discovery Holds Promise to End Droughts and Green Deserts.
Positive results have been observed in field experiments undertaken in the
USA, and overseas in Africa, over many years.


4. New Life-Energy Field Meter nearing completion.

In the 1940s, Wilhelm Reich developed a new "orgone energy field meter"
(described in his book "The Cancer Biopathy") which could measure the
life-energy field of organisms.  Much in the way a "Kirlian energy-field
photograph" makes a picture of this same life-field, Reich's meter could
give a quantitative measurement of its strength or intensity.  The early
methods of Kirlian electro-field photography have been made more
quantitative with the new technology of Korotkov, but this requires
elaborated equipment and a computer with specialized software for computing
the field-strength or intensity.  The Reich orgone field meter, by
comparison, would yield a numerical read-out on an analog meter.
Unfortunately, his original apparatus was also large and bulky, requiring
high-frequency coils which sparked and created ozone as a by-product.

Over the years, at OBRL we have re-constructed Reich's meter and tried to
make smaller versions, but without much success.  A few years ago, a
Canadian engineer succeeded in making a hand-held transistorized life-field
meter, using principles similar to those applied by Reich, but without the
sparks and ozone-creating problems.  We encouraged him to make them
available to the public, and for about a year we offered them for sale
through our Natural Energy Works company, as an "Experimental Life-Energy
Meter".  The early version of this meter, with discussion on its principles
and uses, is shown at our original web page:

This early version could pick up the human field at a short distance of
only a few centimeters, which was a major drawback, and so we stopped
selling it and encouraged our Canadian friend to re-engineer the meter to
obtain readings at a greater distance.  He has recently finished a
prototype of the new meter, which can register human fields from a
half-meter to a full meter distance, with varying sensitivities to allow
for contact measurements of objects and liquids.  This meter will be a
breakthrough, not only rehabilitating one of Reich's early discoveries
(subjected to the 1950s "ban and burn" order of a US court), but providing
a new research tool which is quite different from typical millivoltmeters
or electromagnetic field meters.  The life-energy meter does not respond to
electrostatic, magnetic or electromagnetic fields, for example, and appears
to be a new class of instrumentation with applications directly to the
field of experimental orgone energy, or "subtle energy" research.

We are about one month away from making this revised meter available for
public sale, and our website (above) will soon be updated and revised.  If
you are interested in the new version of the Life-Energy Field Meter, send
a short email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> requesting to be placed on a special
email list for notifications.

This meter will also be demonstrated at the forthcoming OBRL seminars (see


5.  OBRL-News Bulletin subscriptions
(several items per week, on related subjects)
informative, stimulating, controversial

To subscribe to OBRL-News, go to this web site:
and follow instructions.  Or send a message to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> stating "subscribe OBRL-News"

Obtain the postings by ordinary email, or sign on at the above Yahoo web
page and review the topics on your browser at your leisure.


If you received this e-Newsletter more than once, or wish to be removed
from our mailing list, please let us know. We do not use commercial
e-lists, and obtain our addresses only from previously-received emails.

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Center, PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
Tel/Fax: 541-552-0118

Building upon the discoveries of the internationally acclaimed natural
scientist, Wilhelm Reich.

Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups

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