The levels of pollutants spewed into the air over New York City following

the Sep. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center exceeded even those of

burning oil wells during the Gulf War, according to a new study released

Monday by scientists from the University of California at Davis. The study,

which was the most thorough analysis of the dust and smoke following the

attacks, found elevated levels of sulfur, silicon, titanium, vanadium, and

nickel -- all in very fine particles that can contribute to a range of

health problems, including emphysema. The findings bolster support for

allegations by some New York legislators that U.S. EPA Administrator

Christie Todd Whitman misled New Yorkers by reassuring them that the air

was "safe to breathe" one week after the attacks. They may also help the

case of some 1,300 people who plan to sue the city this week for injuries,

health problems, and damages stemming from alleged negligence during the

post-attack recovery and cleanup.

Long Island Newsday, Associated Press, Andrew Bridges, 11 Feb 2002


Los Angeles Times, John J. Goldman, 12 Feb 2002


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