
A friend in Namibia informed me that Croft was there in January, and gave a
lecture, after which he set up six of his devices, which were then put into
use on a non-stop basis.  They did not have any rain afterward for two
months, until several persons I know who asked me about it, then took my
advise and informed that group.  All but two of them took down their
devices, and rains resumed.  One woman informed me the rains returned later
on the very day she took it down.  The same thing is slowly occurring here
on the West Coast, where I've had maybe 10 inquiries by persons connected
with the Croft group.  Based upon my recommendation, they stopped using
them, or restricted use to only short applications, and have started to
read Reich's materials for information on atmospheric energy.  Whether
these things will have a permanent or short-term effect, I cannot say.
Another lesser-known principle in orgone biophysics is that the energetic
excitation tends to reduce over time, so that if a person is chronically
over-exciting the atmosphere, the atmosphere becomes less and less
responsive.  Which is why iron pilings and other pipes stuck into the
ground for building constructions, piers, and so forth, will only have a
temporary effect at best.  Nobody who knows about Reich's cloudbusting
method uses them for more than a few hours or days at best (and then, only
in hard desert regions).  Sometimes, a few minutes of work will created the
desired changes.

I think, to inform people that prolonged use of any clb-type device can
push the atmosphere towards a drying-drought tendency, even as a
"chembuster", is a good start.  No farmer who puts one of these things up
will leave it up if he perceives the rains are diminishing -- and so all
you have to do is point that out to them, to watch for that effect.
Secondly, I encourage people to have a more critical view of the claims of
the "chembuster" conspiracy enthusiasts. We hear a lot about "questioning
authority", which is healthy, but the same thing applies to all the
conspiracy stuff.  Keeping an open mind, but retaining some honest
skepticism for unproven things is a helpful tool, and should not be
confused with irrational or destructive "skepticism" as with CSICOP.

The photos I've seen published in the chemtrail books and websites look
like ordinary jet contrails to me, something I've seen since the 1970s in
fact, which is around the time when I started looking at the sky in a
systematic and serious manner. There are meteorologists who were studying
this phenomenon, and the tendency of jet contrails to spread widely under
some circumstances, as a possible factor in climate change (it would reduce
sunlight, for example).  So it is not as if this issue has gone unstudied
from the classical perspective.  Again, Reich argued the presence of firm
jet contrails was an indication that the atmospheric energy had the
capacity to "hold together" clouds, and so he considered it a good sign for
rains.  This is obvious, as a completely cloud-free sky won't provide any
rain.    Some of the chem-trial photos show thin clouds spread more diffuse
and widespread across the atmosphere, and these could be the consequence of
typical desert-haze dor, as described by Reich, but they originate from
nearby desert regions.  Sometimes, over cities, they are injected with all
kinds of urban pollutants, but their basic nature is desert-derived.

One of the findings I've made, and documented over the last 15 years, is
the movement of dor-haze from the deserts of Asia into the USA.  The
classical meteorologists speak about these trans-oceanic air mass movements
as the effects of "desert dust", and there is considerable dust particles
in them -- but also dorish qualities to the life energy.  There was a big
"dust storm" to hit the west coast in April of last year, and it came from
Asia.  I've seen the satellite images, and there is no question about its
source region, in the Gobi region of China.  It crossed the Pacific, and
then dumped on California.  We also got some of it here as well.  The sky
turned a milky-white at low altitudes, with a thin haze layer at high
altitudes, and it persisted for weeks.  If they would blame that kind of
phenomenon on the UN and New World Order, the US military and so forth,
then it would only be a proof of paranoid thinking.   Yes, it would be the
product of desertification in China, but not because of evil people in
Washington DC, or the Pentagon.

Since the clay particles from desert dusts is high in both iron and
aluminum content, this might also explain some of the metal chemistry
attributed to "chemtrails" -- though some stuff coming down from the sky
may well be part of cloudseeding experiments.  I won't discount all of the
chemtrail theory, but simply note that what I have seen suggests much of
it, perhaps most of it, is people getting very alarmed over things that are
more simply explained, and blaming their health problems in direction away
from their own self-injurious lifestyles.  Local air pollution is something
to be more concerned about than "chemtrails", in my view, though anyone
living near an airport will surely note the role of jet exhaust in whatever
respiratory problems they might have.

So, as with much else, education is the key -- in this case, education on
the more classical findings.  Most people on your list will know a lot
about the alternatives and conspiracy theories.  Here's a case where the
more mainstream ideas can provide a lot of information.  I've provided a
short list of web sites that document the desert-dust transport
information, and also in our Pulse of the Planet #2, I published a
desert-drought map, which goes into these matters in some detail.  The
forthcoming Pulse #5 also has a detailed discussion of a successful 5-year
cloudbusting effort in Eritrea, Africa, with considerable discussion on the
desert-haze issue.

James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Info on Dor-haze from Reichian viewpoint:

Droughts Aggravated by Dusts:
Pacific Dust Express:

On the dangers of untrained use of the cloudbuster:

>Dear James,
>Ok, So how does one set about decommissioning one of these Croft type devices?
>I read
>but the answer is not clear.
>I would appreciate your help.
>Thank You
>PS Here is a copy of my brief history & my analyses.

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