Dear Friends -

Thanks to support from Nancy, Jane and Curtis that was both necessary and sufficient, I've installed the first of many streaming audio lectures at the BD Now! home page.

Do yourself a favor and listen to what Percy has to say. If you are not in a motiating rage right now about what's happening to this good man, you probably simply do not know the extent of the injustice and outright harrassment this good soul is suffering. Please pass this link on to many because an informed population is the best defense against tyranny. At this point, this sort of stuff can still be stopped by the courts if the will of citizens is known.

To hear this presentation you will need a computer that can support REAL AUDIO. This is streaming audio, so you don't need a lot of disk space or a high speed connection. I'm very happy that this technology is available to we grassroots workers.

I have a number of other tapes waiting to be digitized and installed. This will only happen if there clearly is an interest in this sort of resource.

Feel free to pass on this link. Please credit BIODYNAMICS NOW! for making it available on-line. What you'll hear here is an audience recording. If you'd like a copy of the professional tape, please contact ACRES USA at

Here's the link:

check it out and give me feedback. If you want to talk technical problems after you listen, contact me off-line at [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you want to wax philosophical about the theft of foundation seedstocks, please write to BD Now!

Thanks (and thanks again to Nancy, Jane and Curtis)


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