If any of you out there are interested in EMF fields from a non spiritual but extremely controversial scientific point of view.
Check out this link:http://www.ortho.lsumc.edu/Faculty/Marino/EL/ELTOC.html
These two gentlemen literally wrote the book on EMF fields in the 1970's when it was not fashionable and payed the price with their careers . The site is large and it may take time to down load over phone lines but it may be worth it....


On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 06:19 PM, Allan Balliett wrote:

Those of us involved, can tell so many stories of positive results, it is with wonderment that we read this sort of statement. Is it possible that York/ Brinton made their judgement on the work of some dabbler who is not properly trained?
Gil - This wasn't a call to judgement. It was a simple statement that in the course of their work, neither of these men have seen or heard of a farm where radionics was making a definite contribution to the the economic success of the enterprise.

More importantly, my statement is from private conversation. It's not my intention to encourage personal attacks on men who were simply stating their observations.

I will tell you one thing on the powerline story. I'm working out here in horse country outside of Washington DC. It's not uncommon to see the big arrays of trancontinental power lines x-the road and run away in the hills to either side. At the Blue Ridge Center they ran over the Blue Ridge right before our eyes. Although I always look, I have NEVER^ seen a clear example of the powerlines affecting the growth of plants. Furthermore, I regularly see cattle grazing under the lines when the cattle have the opportunity to graze hundreds of yards away. Furthermore, brush grows freely and wildly under the lines at the Blue Ridge Center, requiring brush clearing (lots of young oaks) twice a season.

*The only time I saw what appeared to be a case of the growth of grass diminished under a line on examination turned out to be caused by ROUNDUP and not eminations from the powerlines.

Again, just my observations. No need to feel that I'm challenging your observations.


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