>Hi Hugh -
>Pam just forwarded me a post and testimonial from your
>customer D&S Chamberlain (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
>In this the writer says all is well and great with his
>FB and land as long as he dowses every month and
>changes which reagents are in his unit. He changes
>this policy and for 3 months just puts all of your
>reagents in the unit at the same time and conditions
>deteriorate. Then he goes back to dowsing whether to
>have each reagent (and potency) in the unit and
>adjusts accordingly and everything improves.
>THIS CONCERNS ME. Should I be doing something similar
>here? Dowsing for what should be in the unit and
>moving reagents in and out of the unit? Of course some
>of my bottles have 3 different reagents in them...
>Another question. From time to time, I have been
>running a "low grade worry" about what the unit is
>going to be able to do? Is it in the right place? Are
>the patterns getting out there? (The area is so big!
>Yadda, yadda) How long will it take for observable
>results to manifest? I have this feeling at times that
>something is not right. Maybe I am on to something and
>maybe I am just being a worry wart. And I worry that
>my worry will screw up what the unit can do. I will
>work on myself with a couple of psychological
>techniques I have ... but...
>Please advise about BOTH issues. Thanks.
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Dear Dwight,

Good questions. For some time we have thought that ideally reagents should
be changed frequently. But how can this be made practical? It's not
something I manage to get done myself. So I don't advise it. However, what
I do is watch my land and crops and INTEND the mix of potencies in the
broadcaster shift a little this way or that as needed. I'm not sure how
much one has to know to do this.

For sure when your intention is written on the map your thinking has a
direct connection to the broadcaster at both wells. I look at my crops and
see the plants being a little leggy and I think the emphasis must increase
on the 501 (horn silica). You might imagine that the potency number goes up
once or twice for a while (as long as is appropriate). If blossoming needs
an increase the 507 (Valerian) needs a little more emphasis. If it looks
like the plants need to get their legs under them better I think in terms
of the winter horn clay sending the sugars to the roots better and the
azotobacters and their predators increasing (503, Chamomile). If fruit
isn't filling out well I think in terms of the summer horn clay and the 506
(Dandelion) remedy.

I believe my field broadcaster program adjusts to these observations when I
make them on my farm. I haven't much proof of this except that usually when
I catch things soon enough they seem to correct and thrive. With a few
things I haven't been successful and I don't know why (yet). Perhaps I
misidentify the signs and misunderstand what the fix should be and make
things worse instead of better.

I'm interested in knowing what each remedy does. So I watch for the signs
of each remedy.  But I'm not sure one has to do this. Maybe one could just
think that the program should adjust in the desired way and leave the
details to the subconscious where amongst all the powers of nature the
answer is known.

I get in these periods of doubt and it is self-defeating, I'm quite sure.
When I think something must be wrong things go wrong in aces and spades.
But negative emotion and doubt cannot simply be suppressed and pushed down
deeper or overlayed with positivity. A true and accurate identification of
where the negativity is coming from must be made before it will disappear.
At start might be to dowse for how much of the perceived problem is yours
and how much is someone else's (percent). Then as far as your own  stuff is
concerned you can dowse for how many earlier similar experiences are
restimulated. It could be thousands, millions or much more, depending on
how many lifetimes (real or imagined) were restimulated, etc. If your
belief system rejects prior lifetimes you can simply dowse for imagained
prior lifetimes. That seems to work just fine. Anyway, as one gets a handle
on what is going on within us we can better deal with our environment
without our load of self-defeating imagary. Rest assured we are way, way
complex, and can have layer after layer of stuff to deal with.

You might look in my book at my definition of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
and get some clues about what goes on and why. To be really effective
involves mastery of self. It goes way beyond what normally passes for
psychology, but as I recall you are working with some fairly advanced
techniques so go for it.

As for when you can expect to see signs? Immediately, if you look at really
subtle things. Longer for the more obvious. By next summer you should be
able to point to quite a few things that are different inside the treated
area as compared to outside, and these things should be fairly obvious to
anyone. But don't necessarily look for greater growth. For example the
vegetation may become much more attractive to deer and get grazed a lot
more, so it will be a lot shorter. Then in a few more years hunters will be
telling stories about the big and fat deer they killed in your area. (They
tell these stories around here.)

I hope this is enough for now.


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