I suppose there are entire agencies devoted to snooping in on 
internet email groups. Ok by me. I suggest posting long, hard, 
information-driven messages. The people you intend to see them 
will benefit, the people who haven't a clue will probably absorb 
some of it, even unintentionally. 
The sheer volume of drivel that goes thru email channels would 
drive one to their knees if it was his job to sort n sift. Buy stock in 
Bayer Aspirin (and maybe Prozac) and post away, gang!

The FBI agency is called Carnivore (the biggest spy capabilities, 

When you get there, click on Carnivore Diagnostic Tool to read a 
letter from it's Assistant Director on why this is such a wonderful 
tool to combat terrorism. Please note the date, September 6, 2000.
(If it was in place last Sept, it certainly wasn't doing an adequate 
job, just monitoring us lowlife farmer terrorist types.)

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