Re: where in Texas?/ Private archives?

2003-01-09 Thread Gil Robertson
Hi! I think the idea of a list of know sites for your broadcasters would be a matter of interest to all of us, even those who may never visit your country. We would be able to get some idea of the type of operations that had taken them on board and the sort of country they are servicing. But as h

Re: where in Texas?

2003-01-09 Thread Allan Balliett
Dear Martha, It's a big state. I must have a dozen field broadcaster users in Texas--at least. It's big with grassmen and longhorn raisers. You probably don't run across these folks. I'm going to have to put up a field broadcaster's list I guess. Hugh I'm drawing a blank here, but Old What's H

Re: where in Texas?

2003-01-09 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Martha, It's a big state. I must have a dozen field broadcaster users in Texas--at least. It's big with grassmen and longhorn raisers. You probably don't run across these folks. I'm going to have to put up a field broadcaster's list I guess. Hugh >Hugh writes: < >I think what you, Jeff,

where in Texas?

2003-01-08 Thread flylo
Hugh writes: < I think what you, Jeff, Allan and others, particularly in Hawaii, Texas, the midwest and out on the west coast, have done as regards making BD info available to the public > Are there demo farms in Texas? I know of one or two practitioners, but I was unaware of any teaching faci