The symptoms you describe seem to suggest that the TI ROM bootstrap is 
somehow hanging while trying to load MLO from the eMMC.  If it managed to 
successfully run MLO you should see some console output, while if the boot 
from the eMMC failed cleanly (i.e. didn't work but didn't hang) it would 
move on to try to boot the SD card, followed by "CCC".  I have no solution 
but maybe you could make some progress by figuring out how far into booting 
the eMMC it gets before it becomes unhappy and hangs.

Boot your SD card image and start by using fdisk to make the eMMC FAT 
partition inactive in the MBR (i.e. get rid of the "*" under "Boot" in the 
fdisk output).  I don't know how to do this with the Linux fdisk (I run 
NetBSD on my boards) but it should be able to do that somehow.  Reboot with 
the Boot button pushed and make sure the FAT partition is still inactive.  
Now try to reboot without pushing the Boot button.  What should happen is 
that the ROM bootstrap should read the MBR from the eMMC, find there is no 
active partition, and immediately move on to try to boot the SD card 
(ending up at "CCC" if the SD card boot fails).  If this succeeds then you 
know that the ROM bootstrap managed to read the eMMC partition table 
successfully, since it failed cleanly; if the bootstrap hangs you'll know 
that the very first access to the eMMC is making the bootstrap unhappy.

If this does succeed in booting from the SD card try making the eMMC FAT 
partition "active" again but delete MLO from the partition.  This should 
also end up booting the SD card.  If it hangs instead you'll know the 
problem the bootstrap is having is with reading the FAT directory, if it 
succeeds then the issue must happen when it tries to load and/or run MLO.

If either of the above succeeds you'll at least have a way to boot from the 
SD card without holding the Boot button.  If either of them fails with a 
hang then you'll know that simple accesses to the eMMC by the ROM bootstrap 
are doing something bad, a symptom which suggests a hardware-ish cause to 
me.  The fact that the eMMC looks good from Linux but looks bad from the 
ROM bootstrap suggests that the problem must be effected by the differences 
between the Linux and the bootstrap environment.  For example, Linux runs 
with a higher processor core voltage and frequency than the bootstrap does 
(not that I have any idea why this would matter), and there are likely 
other differences I don't know about.

In any case, if you get through this you may have enough data to make a 
convincing case that your board, and not your software, is screwed up.

Dennis Ferguson

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