I've been using a beaglebone black (in debian) to communicate with my 
Matsuura MC800 VF (1993). It's got an old yasnac I-80 controller on it, and 
I have to drip feed most stuff because I've only got about 30k of program 
memory. For the record I was unable to get this to work with USB to serial 
adapters, in both Windows and Linux. As soon as I went directly to the UART 
pins it was easy.

I recommend using stty to set the serial port, and the just copy the file 
you want to the serial port. For example, I run at 4800 baud, 7 data bits 
even parity 1 stop bit with software "flow control". Here's how I set the 
port settings for the beaglebone black:

stty -F /dev/ttyS1 4800 parenb cs7 -icrnl ixon nl1 cr1

then do something like this to copy the file to the serial port and have 
the beaglebone spit it out. In my case I'm using serial (uart) 1:

cp /pathtofile/mycncfile.nc /dev/ttyS1

You can do it in Python, but I'd get it working at the most basic level 
first. With Python there could be additional software buffers between you 
and the cnc machine that could cause issues.

I use a max232 between the beaglebone and the machine for level shifting. 
I'm currently using an old one a buddy soldered up and had laying around, 
but I'm going to put in a more professional max232 in the next couple days. 
The one I got was on Amazon link here:


It looks, good, but I haven't tested it yet.

Now, I've got a question for you guys. Has anyone been able to get hardware 
flow control working on the beaglebone black in debian?


On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1:49:26 AM UTC-8, Jeff Andich wrote:
> Yeah we also stumbled last-week on Tx and Rx being swapped/ ‘crossed’ for 
> UART1 (?only?) on the BB-X15 AND TI 572x evm REVA3 schematics.  The other 
> UARTS appear fine.  Details to follow.

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