Hi, I'm trying to get the LCD7 touchscreen to work with my xm, and am 
having issues with getting the touch to work. The demo image given here (
works but doesn't really suit my needs, as it doesn't appear to have SPI 
enabled. I've tried compiling the kernel according to the instructions on 
the eewiki website (http://eewiki.net/display/linuxonarm/BeagleBoard) with 
the debian file system, but haven't had any luck yet with any of the 
different branches. They boot up and the LCD works great, but I haven't 
been able to get the touchscreen working. I've never really spent any time 
messing with the kernel before, so I'm a bit out of my depth here. If 
anyone has any suggestions on where I could go, either to get the SPI 
working on the demo image, or the touchscreen on the eewiki images that 
would be great. Thanks!

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