Hello all,
As (probably) most of you are aware, the most straightforward method of 
changing the pwm period (frequency) is at boot by setting it in a .dts 
overlay. This may be the solution for 90% of pwm users, but we have run 
into the situation where we would like to change the pwm period at run time 
to avoid re-compiling the .dts overlay when we wish to swap between 
different applications. After poking around I present our breadcrumb trail:

Start with 
This is apparently near the current source tree.  There is a func() 
ehrpwm_pwm_config  that talks about setting the period and duty. 

Once compiled, it seems to end up in the beaglebone's file system here. Is 
this .ko strictly necessary if we only fix the pwm period at boot? Is this 
the real kernel module? The name implies this is not the official pwm 
driver, but perhaps it is?


There is a note that seems to point out the limitations of common clock 
        * Period values should be same for multiple PWM channels as IP uses
        * same period register for multiple channels.
There is a note to allow this if and only if:
          * Allow channel to reconfigure period if no other
          * channels being configured.

And if that if and only if fails it gripes
                       dev_err(chip->dev, "Period value conflicts with 
channel %d\n", i);
                       return -EINVAL;
The routine continues to set the channel pwm->hwpwm.  Apparently, the pwm 
chip pointed to by *pc has NUM_PWM_CHANNELs, which is 2?  A trial hack 
might be to just ignore that gripe and configure all/both channels.  For 
example,  this seems to do the actual write:
        ehrpwm_write(pc->mmio_base, TBPRD, period_cycles);

But apparently, each channel has its own compare register, just a common 
        if (pwm->hwpwm == 1)
               /* Channel 1 configured with compare B register */
               cmp_reg = CMPB;
               /* Channel 0 configured with compare A register */
               cmp_reg = CMPA;
        ehrpwm_write(pc->mmio_base, cmp_reg, duty_cycles);
So, if a hack at the source is to be tried, I’d comment out the check about 
the other channel already having a differing value.  We can trust ourselves 
to work within the constraint and remember that changing Channel 1’s clock 
also changes Channel 0’s clock. Of course, even trying this requires 
recompiling the kernel OR trying to make a tiehrpwm_test .ko of our own. 
Unfortunately neither of these options are within our skill-set.

The author obviously recognized the clock dependency between the two 
channels and trapped it. But how did they expect users to deal with it? And 
who was the author? It would be nice to ask them.  The header on this file 
shows credit to Texas Instruments circa 2012 but no human names given.

There is a public workaround to allow setting of the pwm_period ONCE at 
run-time. We have successfully tested this within the 9.04 Angstrom release 
on the Beaglebone black. It requires a (included and precompiled) .ko 
kernel module which will unfortunately not load in the recent Debian 


The driver source file at* 
Includes the same Texas Instruments header as if Saad is from TI, or 
perhaps he just copied it over without changing.

He has a personal URL http://saadahmad.ca/ Well, this “explains” quite a 
bit of how he does it. He doesn’t conclude with a proposed set of changes 
to the kernel, but has built a work around.  It requires changing the the 
pwm_test.ko and setting the pwm period in the device tree to 0 at boot, 
then setting it only once at run-time.

We would like to see a (hopefully) small fix in the official TI ehrpwm 
driver that allows us to change the pwm period as frequently as we wish at 
run-time make its way into the beaglebone black build chain.

C Briggs, J Strawson

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