Our company developed a custom board for a measuring device, with main 
function as GUI with display and ctouch.
As base schematics were used the available Altium project of the BBB + and 
some parts of the Chipsee 7" cape. The unused peripherals, such as 
ETHERNET, HDMI, ID E2PROM, CAN, ecc was removed in our project. MCU is 
We have some hw issues on this board, mainly seems that the LCD data and 
control lines has influence on the stability, especially on the DDR3 memory.
1. if we leave the 47pF capacitors on the LCD lines, the kernel goes always 
in panic
2. without those capacitors, the board is more stable
3. we are checking the RAM stability with "memtester" utility from Charles 
Cazabon, and we not if there is activity to the TFT, sometimes the test 
runs with errors (no 47pF capacitors)
4. our application has a display screen saver function, and when the 
display goes in power save, no activity on the LCD lines, the memtester 
runs without error (no 47pF capacitors)
The power lines to MCU and DDR3 are stable, good decoupling a buffer 
capacitors are present. PCB is 6 layer, DDR connections are almost idetical 
as on BBB, layers organization as on BBB.
Anybody has some tip, what we can check to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance, Zoli

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