Hello there,
At the beggining i would like to say that i will really aprichiate any help 
given from the community.

I am trying to set up SlickEdit to compile and debug remotelly applications 
for BBB rev C.
debian@beaglebone:/boot/uboot/slick$ uname -a
Linux beaglebone 3.8.13-bone47 #1 SMP Fri Apr 11 01:36:09 UTC 2014 armv7l 

I think i have managed to succesfully set the compiling for the board (Im 
working on linux mint 17). I can compile the hello world program and run it 
on the board when copied. This is the compilation output:

arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -c   -g3 -ggdb -o "Debug/testowy.o" -I/usr/arm-linux
-gnueabihf/include/c++/4.8.2  testowy.cpp
arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++  -g3 -ggdb -o "Debug/testowy" Debug/testowy.o -L/usr

I am using arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ for compiling and trying to use 
gdb-multiarch for remote debbuging. This is how i set the remote debbuger:



Then i turn on the gdb server on the BBB:
debian@beaglebone:/boot/uboot/slick$ gdbserver :12345 testowy 
Process testowy created; pid = 2375
Listening on port 12345

But when I start debbuging in Slick edit weird thing happens:
First of all the program doesnt step into my first break point, so I just 
click go to link. And then i get the segmentation fault error:


After i try going to line cursor second time the debbuging stops and 
gdbserver on bbb stops as well:

Child terminated with signal = 0xb (SIGSEGV)
GDBserver exiting

I would aprichiate any help here really, im fighting with this for really 
many hours now.

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