Dear all, 
I like the beancount idea, but i am a Unix beginner and as such I want to 
strongly discourage any other unix beginner to go for beancount before 
there is a DPU (dumbest possible user )-proof tutorial.  I'll try to list 
some pains I had (and still having). If there is anyone who'd like to help 
me out abit, I would really appreciate!
It would be great if the different things one has to know about beancount 
and its surroundings would come with some tutorials/ minimal examples. Here 
are the reasons why:

   1. Setting
   my bookkeeping universe involves  DKB, Postfinance, CornerTrader, 
   InteractiveBroker and Revolut. Originally in Excel, then Gnucash and going 
   for beancount now, with an account history of about 3 years.
   I used Windows since ever and have only very slight knowledge on Unix 
   2. Setting up an environment
   I got myself WSL Ubuntu 18.xx, and later switched to VSCode to do the 
   text manipulation.
   3. installing beancount, generating the example file and seeing it as 
   fava web-frontent was not too bad to achieve. Reading through all the docs 
   and understanding took a few days. Finally I have an idea on what I need.
   4. converting the Gnucash did work but required to dive into the python 
   code and fix some errors. most effort went into manually post-processing 
   the resulting file, but hey, I didnt note down things in gnucash 
   anticipating i'd use beancount later, so given that. still took me ~2 full 
   5. getting bean-price to do what i need was quite awful, based on the 
   - finding tickers that work, unlike google tickers. Is there some list 
      of stock quote providers supported by bean-price?
      - syntax examples from the doc usually did not work for me, and i had 
      no clue why
      - the whole beancount PnL wont work if the stocks are padded to the 
      current numbers. you need one purchase with cost per commodity in your 
      to get a reaction of beancount on the prices provided
      - to me it was not obvious that the stdout of bean-price is the 
      actual result, and i was not aware that i have to manually put it into my 
      ledger. took me half a day to find out. Sorry, no Unix intuition here^^
      6. getting the importers for DKB, Postfinance and IB to work is also 
   awful. I have not succeeded so far.
   1. DKB:
      installing works kind of, then i got stuck:
      2. Postfinance/ IB: has importer 
      for postfinance & IB, but hell I cant get it up and running:
      2.1 Obtaining the source works well
      2.2 Installing beans
      2.2.1 Using Stack: here i am stuck
      with stack installed, i cannot install bean.
      no idea, and the few google hits did not help me out
      2.2.2 Using Nix 
      with Nix installed, I am again stuck
      all those errors take lots of time to get behind, and as of yet, I 
      did not succeed. Maybe i just write my own csv parser....
      7. Fortuanately, someone gave me some good practices on how to 
   organize the ledger files. lie separate files for each year, or institution 
   or for stock quotes,... a best practices guide would be so valuable!
   8. and then, of course, all these tricks a Unix-newbie goes crazy until 
   someone tells him..

Finally i start having a nicely aggregated set of data, but the way was 
long and is by no means over now. i probably already invested 8-10 full 
days to get there... quite an expensive piece of software, if accounting 
for my free time :)

Thanks to the creators of beancount and all involved projects!

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