Hi Friends,

You've been wondering how to get the word out about your websites, 
right?  Without spending a fortune?

Well a high school teacher in Maryland has figured it out.  If anybody 
would figure out a way to advertise with no money, it would be a teacher!

Anyway, I've been given special permission to give you access to the 
report for free, and avoid paying $47 at the main site www.freeadreport.com
(seriously -- don't buy it!). 

==> http://www.freeadreport.com/magic/?thankyou=10565

I'm checking out the report now.  So far, it's got great tips!  Bob also 
included an action plan to help us go through the tools step by step.

Enjoy your free copy!  I'm not sure how long he's going to keep this free back 
door open.

Talk to you soon,

p.s.  Even if you can't think of what to promote with free advertising, 
the report lays out several ways you can make money without a website 
or a business. 

p.p.s.  One more thing -- when you register your copy, you'll receive 
an immediate 50% discount on Bob's Video Tutorial Suite, which will 
help you learn how to use all the tools even faster.


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