Saya membutuhkan 200 orang yang bersedia untuk mendaftar di Frenszone. 
Frenszone adalah Friendster yang membayar. Jadi daripada gabung dengan 
Friendster (FS) atau Facebook (FB) mending gabung FZ. Anda dibayar $0.5 setiap 
referal aktif dan mendapatkan point untuk setiap aktivitas. Pada waktu 
mendaftar Anda mendapat 3000 point dan nantinya dapat dikump[ulkan untuk 
ditukar dengan hadiah setelah mengcukupi.

Mari wujudkan 200 referal untuk saya sehingga mendapat $100 dan Anda pun 
mendapatkan keberuntungan.
NB : minimum $100 baru bisa dibayar.

Yang mau daftar klik ini :
Point dapat ditukar :
Sony Ericcson T250i : 79900 Point
W200i : 99000 Point

View My FZ :

Daftar juga di :
Yang ini adalah friendster yang mobile sehingga bisa sms gratis, chating dll. 
Juga kita dapatkan point. Setiap member baru dapat 500. Dan dapat ditukar 
dengan hadiah Hp, MP3 player dll.

Daftar deh dua-duanya.

Ini ulasan inggrisnya :
FrensZone is a revolutionary social
networking website that REWARDS the members when they use the site.
Join now and start receiving your rewards!
                                        Did you know..

1) Myspace makes almost $67 million a month from advertising alone

2) Facebook makes $12 million a month

3) Friendster makes over $20 million

Their members don't get any of this, even though they are the ones
inviting friends, writing the blogs and uploading the photos and videos.

Now, FrensZone is the latest social networking site that actually REWARDS its 
members just to use it!

This site has features like Frienster and Facebook, but the best is,
the more you use it, the more you get REWARDED! Many members have
already get their rewards!

If you join as a member, you will get rewarded for your activities in our site, 
such as,

1. Invite your friends to join

2. Create groups, blog, events, classifieds

3. Comments on members' profiles

4. Announce parties or events

5. Upload photos, videos and MP3

6. Rate other members' profile and photos

7. Other members view your profile

8. Other members view your photos

9. Other members view your blog, videos and music

10. Other members view your group

Get Instant Cash By Referring/Inviting Friends To FrenZone

You'll get rewarded with money for each new member that you invited
through your Referral Link. Your Referral Link is the an URL link that
identifies you as the inviter of FrensZone. If you place this link on
any website, say your blog at, and when someone clicked on
that link, and later they joined FrensZone, you will get rewarded with

Get Rewarded By Points

You'll get rewarded with points when you post/upload/vote/comment
stuffs like photo, blogs, videos, music on FrensZone. You are given
points everytime you do these things. Plus, you even earn points when
other members view your profile, photos, blogs and more. Later, you can
redeem these points for cash and merchandises.

The more active you are in commenting/uploading/blogging/rating stuffs
on our site, the more rewards you will get. It's that simple!

Join FrensZone NOW & start getting REWARDED while making friends!

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