Own you own On line Travel Store PLUS so much more !!!
Have you ever wondered how much Expedia or Travelocity or Orbitz makes.  Well 
now you can find out own your own Travel website for under $500.00 get started 
in minutes. This is an investment not an expense that will give you an 
opportunity to be your own boss and not only have financial freedom but the 
freedom to do you what you want when you want. 
And you can reap the benefits of owning a travel store i.e. VERY low cost or 
even FREE trips (after all you need to know what you are selling), the tax 
benefits are unbelievable. People are still traveling and your friends and 
family will book with you instead of the unknown and you will receive up to 70% 
commission on their travel.  You would be surprised at who is booking vacations 
and how much they spend and you can be receiving commission on it just by 
talking.  Then the networking side of it is another option to obtain financial 
security for you and your family.
Our corporate office is always looking for new tools to make you money i.e. 
Aisle19, choose from over 600 store like Target, Macys, Walmart, Best Buys etc 
their actual website. This is a free website that is sent by invitation only 
you can send out to your friends and family and they can send it to their 
friends and so on and so on.  When you or your friends purchase an item at any 
of the stores through Aisle 19 they careceiveve any where from 1% to 25% cash 
back on their purchases and you will receive commission on their purchases.  
There is so much more I can not even begin.  If you would like to sign up for 
Aisle 19 please go to www.getpaidbacktoshop.com sign up for free, you can shop 
then when you want to go back later go to www.aisle19.com and sign in.
Why participate in the recession?  Do you have a plan B? Have you ever been in 
the right place at the right time? 
We are a publicly traded company, you get what you put into it. We are a member 
of the DSA.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life, please don't miss out.
View the presentation at www.Fun2freedomtravel.info If you like what you see 
you can join there, if you have any questions you can call me @727-420-9108 or 
email d2dguy2...@yahoo.com
You will not be alone you are joining a GREAT team that wants everyone to 
The below is just an example of what your website will look like, to view the 
actual website visit www.fun2freedomtravel.com (please note this is a .com not 
.info like the above website .info is our marketing website and .com is our 
travel website.
If you think you have what it takes to be part of my team then JUST DO IT... 



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