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Today's Topics:

   1.  Monadic Project Euler 1 (Javier M Mora)
   2. Re:  Monadic Project Euler 1 (Ozgur Akgun)
   3. Re:  Monadic Project Euler 1 (Javier M Mora)
   4. Re:  Monadic Project Euler 1 (Daniel Fischer)
   5. Re:  Monadic Project Euler 1 (Ozgur Akgun)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:13:08 +0100
From: Javier M Mora <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Monadic Project Euler 1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi, I'm trying to improve my skills with monads.

I'm started with project Euler problems but creating/using Monads.
I know that can be an overkill approach but, they are easy enough to 
focus in monad only.

First Step: What I want?

In this problem: I think monads as a DSL (Domain Specific Language)

main = do
   print $ sumM $ do
     makeList 10        -- create candidates list
     multiples 3        -- choose multiples of 3
     multiples 5        -- choose multiples of 5 (not choosed yet)

Data under de monad is a pair of lists:
(validValues, CandidatesNonValidYet)

   makeList 10 = MyState ([],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])

   multiples 3 -> MyState ([3,6,9],[1,2,4,5,7,8])

   multiples 5 -> MyState ([3,5,6,9],[1,2,4,7,8])

Second Step: What I have?

newType MyState a = MyState {execMyState :: ([a],[a])}

sumM :: (Integral a) => MyState a -> a
sumM = sum $ fst $ execMyState

makeList:: (Integral a) => a -> MyState a
makeList max = MyState ([],[1..max-1])
-- maybe: makeList max = return [1..max-1]

Third Step: function prototypes


multiple :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] -> MyState a

less ideal

multiple :: (Integral a) => a -> ([a],[a]) -> MyState a

Fourth Step: Instanciate Monad

instance Monad MyState where
   return = error "no implemented"
   --(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
   m >>= k = let (v, c) = execMyState m
                 n      = k c
                 (nv, nc) = execMyState n
             in MyState (v++nv, nc)

with this instanciation: k :: a -> m b
but (multiple 3) :: [a] -> MyState a

in one the function ask for a value "a" type and in the other case for a 
list. So, doesn't compile :-(

Second option:

newType MyState a = MyState {execMyState :: (a,a)}

I like more the other option, because when you say "MyState Int" or 
"MyState float" you're saying than the possibilities are type Int or 
float or whatever. With this option (the second) you have to coerce that 
a type have to be a container in other part.

if I can force (MonadPlus a) :

instance Monad MyState where
   return a = MyState (a,mzero)
   --(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
   m >>= k = let (v, c) = execMyState m
                 n      = k c
                 (nv, nc) = execMyState n
             in MyState (v `mplus` nv, nc)

or maybe I must use Monoid... but I don't know how force that
and here I'm stuck

Any hints?


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 19:54:53 +0000
From: Ozgur Akgun <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Monadic Project Euler 1
To: Javier M Mora <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On 17 February 2011 19:13, Javier M Mora <> wrote:

> First Step: What I want?
> ------------------------
> In this problem: I think monads as a DSL (Domain Specific Language)
> main = do
>  print $ sumM $ do
>    makeList 10        -- create candidates list
>    multiples 3        -- choose multiples of 3
>    multiples 5        -- choose multiples of 5 (not choosed yet)
> Data under de monad is a pair of lists:
> (validValues, CandidatesNonValidYet)

Although my suggestion is not to use a monad for this problem, assuming this
is a learning exercise, a solution using the state monad is as follows.

I'll keep the main function exactly as you wanted.

sumM x = sum $ fst $ execState ([],[]) x

or, point-free:

sumM = sum . fst . flip execState ([],[])

Here, sumM executes the given state monad, and we end up with the pair of
selected and not-selected elements. Then project the fst component, and sum
them up.

makeList n = put ([],[1..n])

makeList initialises the state.

multiples n = chooseIf (\ i -> i `mod` n == 0)

multiplies chooses those elements satisfying the given criteria. chooseIf is
a helper function I've chosen to define. Obviously, you can do just fine
without it.

chooseIf f = do
    a     <- gets fst
    (b,c) <- partition f <$> gets snd
    put (a++b,c)

chooseIf partitions the list of candidates into 2, b is the list of elements
satisfying the condition, c is the elements not satisfying it. (Remark: ++
is O(n))

And that should be it. If you plug these all together, you'll get 33 as the
answer. That is the sum of [3,6,9,5,10]. I don't know why you didn't include
10 in the list of candidates, but if that is very important you can remove
it by modifying makeList.

Hope this helps.

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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 22:02:58 +0100
From: Javier M Mora <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Monadic Project Euler 1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

On 17/02/11 20:54, Ozgur Akgun wrote:
> On 17 February 2011 19:13, Javier M Mora <
> <>> wrote:
>     First Step: What I want?
>     ------------------------
>     In this problem: I think monads as a DSL (Domain Specific Language)
>     main = do
>       print $ sumM $ do
>         makeList 10        -- create candidates list
>         multiples 3        -- choose multiples of 3
>         multiples 5        -- choose multiples of 5 (not choosed yet)
>     Data under de monad is a pair of lists:
>     (validValues, CandidatesNonValidYet)
> Although my suggestion is not to use a monad for this problem, assuming
> this is a learning exercise, a solution using the state monad is as follows.

Yes, I'm trying to learn/practice Design Patterns in Haskell making 
euler problems three times:

1. Non Monad
2. Ad-hoc Monad
3. Standard Monad

Thank you for help me in the 3rd Stage. I was trying to solve 2nd Stage. :-(

> [...]

> And that should be it. If you plug these all together, you'll get 33 as
> the answer. That is the sum of [3,6,9,5,10]. I don't know why you didn't
> include 10 in the list of candidates, but if that is very important you
> can remove it by modifying makeList.

I don't included 10 because the the original problem say multiples below 
X. But as you know it isn't very important.

> Hope this helps.

Yes, a lot. I understand standard libraries are very well done. But they 
are a bit difficult to understand source code for me yet. That is the 
point of try very easy problems with ad-hoc Monads. Understand what 
problems presents Monads and how to solve.

> Ozgur



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 23:41:02 +0100
From: Daniel Fischer <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Monadic Project Euler 1
Cc: Javier M Mora <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Thursday 17 February 2011 22:02:58, Javier M Mora wrote:
> Yes, I'm trying to learn/practice Design Patterns in Haskell making
> euler problems three times:
> 1. Non Monad

That's easy for this one. And I don't think this problem lends itself well 
to a monadic approach (it can be done okay enough with a State and/or 
Writer, but it still seems artificial to use those).

> 2. Ad-hoc Monad

The problem is too specialised to fit a custom Monad to it, I think. 
There's only one (base) type involved, so you have not enough to find out 
how (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b should work.

> 3. Standard Monad

State 1:

import Data.List (partition)

multiples :: Integral a => a -> State [a] [a]
multiples k = state (partition (\m -> m `mod` k == 0))
-- if you use mtl-1.*, replace the lowercase state with State

-- could also be any Integral type
euler1M :: [Integer] -> State [Integer] Integer
euler1M nums = do
    mlists <- mapM multiples nums
    return (sum $ concat mlists)

-- or, special and not general
-- euler1 :: State [Integer] Integer
-- euler1M = do
--     m3 <- multiples 3
--     m5 <- multiples 5
--     return (sum m3 + sum m5)

euler1 :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
euler1 nums limit = evalState (euler1M nums) [1 .. limit-1]

answer = euler1 [3,5] 1000

State 2:

import Data.List (partition)

multiples :: Integral a => a -> State ([a],[a]) ()
multiples k = state $ \(v,c) ->
    let (nv,nc) = partition (\m -> m `mod` k == 0) c
    in ((), (nv ++ v, nc))

validSum :: Num a => State ([a],[a]) a
validSum = state $ \s@(v,_) -> (sum v, s)

euler1M :: Integral a => [a] -> State ([a],[a]) a
euler1M nums = do
    mapM_ multiples nums


import Data.List (partition)

multiples :: Integral a => [a] -> a -> Writer [a] [a]
multiples candidates k = 
      writer (partition (\m -> m `mod` k /= 0) candidates
-- For mtl-1.*, that has to be Writer

euler1M :: Integral a => [a] -> [a] -> Writer [a] [a]
euler1M = foldM multiples

euler1 :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
euler1 nums limit = sum . execWriter $ euler1M [1 .. limit-1] nums

Really, there are problems that lend themselves better to a monadic 

> Thank you for help me in the 3rd Stage. I was trying to solve 2nd Stage.
> :-(


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 10:46:22 +0000
From: Ozgur Akgun <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Monadic Project Euler 1
To: Javier M Mora <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On 17 February 2011 21:02, Javier M Mora <> wrote:

> Yes, I'm trying to learn/practice Design Patterns in Haskell making euler
> problems three times:
> 1. Non Monad
> 2. Ad-hoc Monad
> 3. Standard Monad
> Thank you for help me in the 3rd Stage. I was trying to solve 2nd Stage.
> :-(

Sorry for jumping over one of the stages then :)

For this problem though, I can't see what the semantics of your ad-hoc monad
would be. You'll end up reimplementing a state monad, I suppose. If so, you
can always check the definition of the "standard" state monad:

(Disclaimer: This one is mtl-1, in mtl-2 there is no State monad. There is
the StateT monad transformer, whose Monad instance declaration might be a
bit harder to get a grasp of, and State s is a type alias to StateT s

Ozgur Akgun
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