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Today's Topics:

   1.  Scoping within arrow notation (using HXT)? (Michael Alan Dorman)
   2. Re:  Scoping within arrow notation (using HXT)?
      (Ertugrul S?ylemez)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 11:48:23 -0400
From: Michael Alan Dorman <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Scoping within arrow notation (using
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hey, Haskellers,

I'm trying to use state threaded through an arrow in some HXT code to
avoid passing explicit parameters through several layers of functions,
but I think I'm not understanding quite what the arrow notation is
doing, because when I try to use a value I'm extracting from the state,
I'm getting a scope error.

I had many ways I was prepared for the code to be wrong, but that one
has me baffled.  Any suggestions?


{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module HXTTest () where
import Text.XML.HXT.Core

data Info = Info {
  value :: String
} deriving (Show)

info = Info { value = "foo" }
html = "<html><head></head><body><div class='foo'>llama</div></body>";

-- print (runSLA (getState >>> arr value) info html)

-- Div class is static, no reference to state
findFoo =
  proc content -> do
    (deep (isElem >>>
           hasName "div" >>>
           hasAttrValue "class" (== "foo"))) -< content
-- print (runSLA (hread >>> findFoo) info html)

-- Extract class from state, but don't use it
findFoo' =
  proc content -> do
    divName <- (getState >>> arr value) -< content
    content >- (deep (isElem >>>
                      hasName "div" >>>
                      hasAttrValue "class" (== "foo")))

-- print (runSLA (hread >>> findFoo') info html)

-- Extract class from state, try to use it: "Not in scope: `divName'"
-- findFoo'' =
--   proc content -> do
--     divName <- (getState >>> arr value) -< content
--     content >- (deep (isElem >>>
--                       hasName "div" >>>
--                       hasAttrValue "class" (== divName)))


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 18:20:13 +0200
From: Ertugrul S?ylemez <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Scoping within arrow notation (using
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hello there,

the structure of an arrow computation cannot depend on inputs.  All
arrow variables (to the left of '<-' or '->') are inputs to following
computations.  For instance:

    proc x1 -> do
        x2 <- c1 -< x1
        x3 <- c2 -< x2
        returnA -< f x2 x3

The variables x1, x2 and x3 are arrow variables and are out of scope
to the left of '-<', because if they were in scope, the structure of the
computation could depend on arrow variables, and you would in fact have
a monad instead of an arrow.

Note also that 'proc x -> c -< x' is the same as 'c', and 'do' notation
is an extension to 'proc' notation.

You may be interested in my (unfinished) arrow tutorial:



Michael Alan Dorman <> wrote:

> I'm trying to use state threaded through an arrow in some HXT code to
> avoid passing explicit parameters through several layers of functions,
> but I think I'm not understanding quite what the arrow notation is
> doing, because when I try to use a value I'm extracting from the
> state, I'm getting a scope error.

nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)
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