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Today's Topics:

   1.  CSES Two Sets problem at (Julian Ong)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 00:50:40 +0000 (UTC)
From: Julian Ong <>
To: The Haskell-Beginners Mailing List - Discussion of Primarily
        Beginner-level Topics Related To Haskell <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] CSES Two Sets problem at
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

After the Two Knights problem, I went on this next problem which requires that 
you separate 1..n into two sets with the same sum if possible. Again my 
algorithm in Haskell works but is apparently too slow. It fails for CSES test 
inputs >= 26560 where a solution exists.
I'm starting to wonder if Haskell is fundamentally too slow compared to other 
languages. From what I've read that shouldn't be the case though. For this 
problem it looks like it's doable in Python (I haven't tried that). Most of the 
fastest solutions for these problems seem to be written in C++. If there's 
anyone who's trying to solve these problems in Haskell (they're really fun by 
the way if you've never checked them out) and has solved this one (or Two 
Knights) and passed all the tests, I'd love to hear how you did it. Thanks.
 -- CSES - Two Sets-- Given 1..n, separate into two sets of equal sums and if 
possible list the elements of each set of a possible solution or output NO if 
not possible
main :: IO ()main = do    line <- getLine    let n = read line :: Integer    
putStrLn $ solveN n    -- Observe that sum [1..n] = n*(n+1)/2 so each set sum 
must be n*(n+1)/4 and so the set sum must be divisible by 4 for the separation 
to be possible-- Then the algorithm starts adding numbers from n down to 1 
until the next number would make the sum exceed the required set sum-- At this 
point you add one more number, which will be the lowest number, to fill in the 
gap to complete set1. Set2 is then the other numbers.solveN :: Integer -> 
StringsolveN n    | (n * (n+1) `mod` 4 /= 0) = "NO"    | otherwise = "YES\n" ++ 
show set1_count ++ "\n" ++ (unwords $ map show set1_list) ++ "\n" ++ show 
set2_count ++ "\n" ++ (unwords $ map show set2_list)        where            
set_sum = (n * (n+1)) `div` 4            set1_part1 = takeWhile (\x -> 
x*(n+1-x) + sum [0..(n-x)] < (n * (n+1)) `div` 4) [n, n-1..1]            
set1_part2 = set_sum - sum set1_part1            set1_list = set1_part1 ++ 
[set1_part2]            set1_count = (toInteger . length) set1_list            
set2_list = [x | x <- [1..n], not (x `elem` set1_list)]            set2_count = 
(toInteger . length) set2_list----
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