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Today's Topics:

   1.  Resources for Learning (ranveer raghuwanshi)
   2.  Snap layouts | app examples (Jakub Oboza)
   3. Re:  Resources for Learning (Paulo Pocinho)
   4.  Ord and Eq instances for complex types (Mike Meyer)
   5. Re:  Resources for Learning (Paulo Pocinho)
   6. Re:  Ord and Eq instances for complex types (Daniel Fischer)
   7. Re:  Ord and Eq instances for complex types (Mike Meyer)
   8. Re:  Ord and Eq instances for complex types (Daniel Fischer)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 01:58:45 +0530
From: ranveer raghuwanshi <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Resources for Learning
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Can someone direct me to good video tutorial resources related to haskell.?
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 21:34:47 +0100
From: Jakub Oboza <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Snap layouts | app examples
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear Haskellers

Can you provide me with example of layout'ing system for snap. I mean something 
like layouts in "rails" 
So if you have a standard heist layout for actions like index, show, edit i 
would like to have a global application layout that will have javascripts/css 
tags and rest of "action" layouts will be just yield inside of it.

I don't know if this description is perfect :D.

ps. example of medium size snap applications would also be nice.

Kind regards
Jakub Oboza


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 21:40:06 +0100
From: Paulo Pocinho <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Resources for Learning
To: ranveer raghuwanshi <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On 18 October 2011 21:28, ranveer raghuwanshi <> wrote:
> Can someone direct me to good video tutorial resources related to haskell.?
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 14:13:03 -0700
From: Mike Meyer <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Ord and Eq instances for complex types
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I'm working on a problem dealing with poker hands, and need to rank them.
The Ord instance seems like a natural for this, but the code came out with a
lot of repetitions in it. To wit, given suitable definitions for Rank, Suit
and Card, I define a Hand as:

data Hand = HighCard [Card]
          | PairOf Rank [Card]
          | TwoPair Rank Rank [Card]
          | ThreeOfAKind Rank [Card]
          | Straight [Card]
          | Flush [Card]
          | FullHouse Rank Rank [Card]
          | FourOfAKind Rank [Card]
          | StraightFlush [Card]
            deriving (Show)

[N.B. - the single or double rank is the Rank of the cards participating in
that type of hand, and is compared before the rest of the cards, so AQQJT is
not as good a hand as KK321 - a pair of kings beating a pair of queens.]

Eq winds up looking like:

instance Eq Hand where
  h1 == h2 = cards h1 == cards h2 where
      cards (HighCard h) = h
      cards (PairOf _ h) = h
      -- etc.

and Ord (with appropriate check functions) like:

instance Ord Hand where
   compare (StraightFlush h1) (StraightFlush h2) = compare h1 h2
   compare (StraightFlush _) _ = GT
   compare _ (StraightFlush _) = LT
   compare (FourOfAKind r1 h1) (FourOfAKind r2 h2)= check r1 h1 r2 h2
   compare (FourOfAKind _ _) _ = GT
   compare _ (FourOfAKind _ _) = LT
   -- etc

Seems like there ought to be an easier way. I can see that making the types
of hands an enum (HandType), then defining a hand as a record:

data Hand = {
     type :: HandType,
     rank1 :: Maybe Rank, -- (2, 3, 4) of a kind
     rank2 :: Maybe Rank, -- 2 pair, full house
     cards :: [Card]

would make the comparisons a lot easier. But that would  make constructing
them a lot more painful. I can't just say "PairOf Ace hand" to mark a hand
as a pair of aces. It also  the type checking from the constructors.

Is there some third alternative I've overlooked that combines the best
features of both approaches?

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Message: 5
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 22:27:41 +0100
From: Paulo Pocinho <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Resources for Learning
To: ranveer raghuwanshi <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hi again. The link I gave has some very interesting lectures on
haskell. It is not really for someone beginning to program but I
believe imperative programmers can catch up quickly. For real
beginners it is best to search or read an introductory
book such as

On 18 October 2011 21:50, ranveer raghuwanshi <> wrote:
> Are these basic video tutorials.?
> I am completely new to the world of haskell and functional programming.
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 2:10 AM, Paulo Pocinho <> wrote:
>> On 18 October 2011 21:28, ranveer raghuwanshi <>
>> wrote:
>> > Can someone direct me to good video tutorial resources related to
>> > haskell.?
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Beginners mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 23:47:18 +0200
From: Daniel Fischer <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Ord and Eq instances for complex
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="utf-8"

On Tuesday 18 October 2011, 23:13:03, Mike Meyer wrote:
> I'm working on a problem dealing with poker hands, and need to rank
> them. The Ord instance seems like a natural for this, but the code came
> out with a lot of repetitions in it.

> Is there some third alternative I've overlooked that combines the best
> features of both approaches?
>   Thanks,
>   <mike

Well, you could use record syntax in the Hand type to avoid defining cards 
in the Eq instance,

data Hand
    = HighCard { cards :: [Card] }
    | PairOf { rank :: Rank, cards :: [Card }
    | FulHouse { rank, minorRank :: Rank, cards :: [Card] }
    | FourOfAKind { rank :: Rank, cards :: [Card] }
    | StraightFlush { cards :: [Card] }
      deriving Show

instance Eq Hand where  -- if your hands are well-formed, you
    h1 == h2 = cards h1 == cards h2  -- could also derive Eq

quality :: Hand -> Int
quality HighCard{} = 0
quality PairOf{} = 1
quality StraightFlush{} = 8

instance Ord Hand where
    compare h1 h2 = 
      case compare (quality h1) (quality h2) of
        EQ -> case h1 of
                StraightFlush c1 -> compare c1 (cards h2)
                FourOfAKind r1 c1 -> 
                  case compare r1 (rank h2) of
                    EQ -> compare c1 (cards h2)
                    other -> other
        other -> other


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 15:27:19 -0700
From: Mike Meyer <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Ord and Eq instances for complex
To: Daniel Fischer <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Daniel Fischer <> wrote:

> On Tuesday 18 October 2011, 23:13:03, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > I'm working on a problem dealing with poker hands, and need to rank
> > them. The Ord instance seems like a natural for this, but the code came
> > out with a lot of repetitions in it.
> >
> > Is there some third alternative I've overlooked that combines the best
> > features of both approaches?
> >
> >   Thanks,
> >   <mike
> Well, you could use record syntax in the Hand type to avoid defining cards
> in the Eq instance,
> data Hand
>    = HighCard { cards :: [Card] }
>    | PairOf { rank :: Rank, cards :: [Card }
> ...
>    | FulHouse { rank, minorRank :: Rank, cards :: [Card] }
>    | FourOfAKind { rank :: Rank, cards :: [Card] }
>    | StraightFlush { cards :: [Card] }
>      deriving Show
> instance Eq Hand where  -- if your hands are well-formed, you
>    h1 == h2 = cards h1 == cards h2  -- could also derive Eq

I was thinking of some kind of mixed solution over lunch. This looks better
than what I had in mind. But what does "well-formed" mean in this context?

> quality :: Hand -> Int
> quality HighCard{} = 0
> quality PairOf{} = 1
> ...
> quality StraightFlush{} = 8

Could this be replaced by an assoc list of some kind?

I was actually contemplating adding a quality field to the record.

> instance Ord Hand where
>    compare h1 h2 =
>      case compare (quality h1) (quality h2) of
>        EQ -> case h1 of
>                StraightFlush c1 -> compare c1 (cards h2)
>                FourOfAKind r1 c1 ->
>                  case compare r1 (rank h2) of
>                    EQ -> compare c1 (cards h2)
>                    other -> other
>                ...
>        other -> other

What I'd really like to do is collapse the three types of comparison (i.e. -
hand, rank hand, rank minorrank hand) into one comparison each.

-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 8
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 01:01:38 +0200
From: Daniel Fischer <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Ord and Eq instances for complex
To: Mike Meyer <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="utf-8"

On Wednesday 19 October 2011, 00:27:19, Mike Meyer wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Daniel Fischer <
>> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 18 October 2011, 23:13:03, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > > I'm working on a problem dealing with poker hands, and need to rank
> > > them. The Ord instance seems like a natural for this, but the code
> > > came out with a lot of repetitions in it.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Is there some third alternative I've overlooked that combines the
> > > best features of both approaches?
> > > 
> > >   Thanks,
> > >   <mike
> > 
> > Well, you could use record syntax in the Hand type to avoid defining
> > cards in the Eq instance,
> > 
> > data Hand
> > 
> >    = HighCard { cards :: [Card] }
> >    
> >    | PairOf { rank :: Rank, cards :: [Card }
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> >    | FulHouse { rank, minorRank :: Rank, cards :: [Card] }
> >    | FourOfAKind { rank :: Rank, cards :: [Card] }
> >    | StraightFlush { cards :: [Card] }
> >    | 
> >      deriving Show
> > 
> > instance Eq Hand where  -- if your hands are well-formed, you
> > 
> >    h1 == h2 = cards h1 == cards h2  -- could also derive Eq
> I was thinking of some kind of mixed solution over lunch. This looks
> better than what I had in mind. But what does "well-formed" mean in
> this context?

That the type of hand is properly reflected in the constructor, that the 
hand actually has the quality stated by the constructor and no better,
 for example that a full house is never created as a PairOf or ThreeOfAKind 
(or was it TripleOf?). And that the list of cards is sorted according to 
some criterion (this is also presumed in the explicit Eq instance).

> > quality :: Hand -> Int
> > quality HighCard{} = 0
> > quality PairOf{} = 1
> > ...
> > quality StraightFlush{} = 8
> Could this be replaced by an assoc list of some kind?

Sure, but why? Making it an assoc list would not be trivial, if you don't 
enumerate all possible hands ( ;-), you'd either need a function to create 
a default hand with the same constructor (so you can use the Eq instance to 
do the lookup) or some custom lookup function doing basically the same.

> I was actually contemplating adding a quality field to the record.

If you don't export the constructors and take care to create only hands 
with the correct quality, that is possible. I'm not sure if it gains 
anything, though.

> > instance Ord Hand where
> > 
> >    compare h1 h2 =
> >    
> >      case compare (quality h1) (quality h2) of
> >      
> >        EQ -> case h1 of
> >        
> >                StraightFlush c1 -> compare c1 (cards h2)
> >                FourOfAKind r1 c1 ->
> >                
> >                  case compare r1 (rank h2) of
> >                  
> >                    EQ -> compare c1 (cards h2)
> >                    other -> other
> >                
> >                ...
> >        
> >        other -> other
> What I'd really like to do is collapse the three types of comparison
> (i.e. - hand, rank hand, rank minorrank hand) into one comparison each.

I don't see what you mean, could you elaborate?


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End of Beginners Digest, Vol 40, Issue 29

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