El 6/5/08 7:19 PM, "nicolas cellier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> Herbert König a écrit :
>> Hello Klaus,
>> KDW> Yes, MessageTally does that for you: a tree of message sends. From the
>> Spy
>> KDW> results, you can select a class and browse it for more details, or a
>> KDW> method and browse its senders or implementors for more details.
>> interesting idea to use it this way! But MessageTally IMHO only shows
>> what it finds on the stack when it peeks. So it can miss some methods
>> running seldom and quick.
>> So you can do MessageTally>>tallySends: [your tallied block] which
>> uses the simulator (sloow!!) but gets you everything.
>> And to be real useful with long class names and deeply nested sends
>> one might have to patch some of the class side methods of MessageTally
>> in the defaults category.
>> After looking I see it has become better with 3.9 so the latter
>> applies only for 3.8 and older.
> Another possibility well beyond beginners list is the opposite, when you
> want to trace senders call stack rather than sent call tree.
> The idea is like putting a halt in a method and debugging, but instead
> of putting a halt, you raise (signal) a Notification in the method(s)
> you want to trace, and instead of a debugger at each send occurence, you
> open a MessageTally for tracing the call stacks of the overall sends.
> Create a subclass of Notification for that purpose, say
> YourNotification, and put the sentence:
> YourNotification signal.
> in every method or block you want to trace.
> You can of course raise YourNotification conditionally like say:
> yourConditionsAreFulfilled ifTrue: [YourNotification signal].
> Then trap and tally YourNotification with this little code snippet
> (As demonstrated at http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=6755 I used it
> with EndOfStream):
> "INITIALIZE THE TALLY (that is hackish)"
> tally := MessageTally new.
> tally spyEvery: 100 on: ['em ezilaitini ot si siht' reverse].
> tally class: World class method: World class>>#doOneCycle.
> tallyEnd := false.
> [(Delay forSeconds: 300) wait. tallyEnd := true] fork.
> [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. tallyEnd] whileFalse]
>          on: YourNotification
>          do: [:exc | tally tally: exc signalerContext by: 1.
>              exc resume].
> (StringHolder new contents:
>          (String streamContents: [:s | tally report: s]))
>      openLabel: 'YourNotification Spy Results'.
> tally close.
> You put the code snippet in a workspace and execute it (DoIt).
> Thanks to [World doOneCycle] emulation this enables you to run any
> activity you like during the 300 seconds duration including interactive
> and graphical activity but also running some SUnit tests cases if you
> want to.
> Thanks to YourNotification Exception handling, the tally will catch each
> and every send to the method(s) of interest (where you raised
> YourNotification), rather than randomly analyze callStack every few
> milliseconds.
> Some core or UI activity are really impossible to debug with a halt and
> step by step processing in debugger, in which case this hack is usefull.
> (like tracing a Font or a Morphic bug / see
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=1035 or
> http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2084 for example).
> Of course, you do not catch each and every possible send of the
> method(s), but only actual send you triggered by your selected activity.
> It's complementary to browsing activity when polymorphism makes it
> complex to track...
> You can change the 300 seconds timer at will, or end the tally manually
> by executing tallyEnd := true with a doIt in the same workspace rather
> than forking a timer...
> If you omit the final tally close, you can also cumulate tallies by
> rearming the timer and tally block (simply doIt!).
> Though i tried to be didactic, I know this hack might be just too much
> for this list, but isn't it amazingly clear and powerful what you can do
> with Smalltalk in a few lines?
> Just invent your own variations...
> Nicolas

This is a very valuable how to get more juice of Squeak !

Very thanks , and in case you have more about tell us where or maybe add all
you have into http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/369


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