Hey Andy
I have a radio group defined like this (using your code):

| group |
html form:
html radioGroup [ :rg |
rg radioButton
selected: self contact isMale;
callback: [self halt];
                        with: [html text:'male'].
                rg radioButton...etc
Hope that helps

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Andy Burnett <
andy.burn...@knowinnovation.com> wrote:

> Hello
> I am sure I am missing something very obvious - hence the posting on the
> beginners' list.
> I am working through the seaside book, and everything has been fine, until
> I tried to replace my select item with a radio group. The form renders
> correctly, but never fires the callbacks.  Could someone poke me with a clue
> stick?  By the way, the self halts are in there because when I put the halt
> commands in the beMale beFemale methods, they never fired either. So I was
> working my way back up the chain.
> The strange thing is that the other text input boxes (removed in this
> snippet) updated the model correctly.
> renderContentOn:html
> | group |
> html form:
>  [
> group := html radioGroup.
> html text:'male'.
>  html radioButton
> group: group;
> selected: self contact isMale;
>  callback: [self halt].
> html text: 'female'.
> html radioButton
>  group: group;
> selected: self contact isFemale;
> callback: [self halt].
>  html submitButton on: #save of:self.
> ]
> Cheers
> Andy
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