
I have a line of text like so:

SNOW   12HR        00-00    00-00     1- 2

I've written a regex to parse these lines and grab the values in between the hyphens like so:

while ($line =~ /([\d]{1,2})|([T+])/g) {
            push @snow, $1;


On occasion instead of a numerical snowfall amount "T" is used to indicate a trace.

In the above line in question;  I will get all the numbers however I also capture the "12" in "SNOW  12HR" which I don't want.  I've  modified the above regex to be like so;

while ($line =~/([\d]{1,2})\W{1,2}|([T+])/g) {....

I eliminate the "12" in "12HR", however I also lose the last numerical forecast value (in the above line the final "2").

I am guessing my problem is likely with the newline at the end of the final digit however I've not been able to map a solution using regexes to this.  Incidentally I've been able to solve the problem by using the first regex and eliminating the first "12" via a for loop and counting from $snow[1], not $snow[0].

Anyone have insights as to how the above regex could be made to work?


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